Thanks for the Creed & Especially for the UFO !
I agree there should be more of both these Band’s
Thanks again for your hard work & time
Thank you. ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />
Do you think you can release the single instrument only UFO songs for now? Then put the full versions of them on later whenever you get them done? I’m just dying for more UFO on guitar haha thanks for your stuff!
Do you think you can release the single instrument only UFO songs for now? Then put the full versions of them on later whenever you get them done? I’m just dying for more UFO on guitar haha thanks for your stuff!
I’ll consider it, but I don’t have time for charting again until sometime in April/May time frame, and the single charts still need some more work in order to be a complete single instrument.
Yay, anythings better than nothing, thanks!
Coming Soon – 7 new songs! Collective Soul, 3 Doors Down, UFO, The Beatles, and more. Putting final polish on them and I will release each one as they are ready over the next 1-2 days.
Thanks for new Collective Soul & Queen.
Stoked to see the remaining 5 songs…….
Thank you, Great stuff !
These are great additions for our RB3 library. Thank You very much!
I may be mistaken and will check back again but it seems that the Queen download link takes you to Collective Soul’s con as well.
BTW… also dug the stuff you did with Herman’s Hermits. It’s fantastic to see another old school C3 author pop up from time to time!
Thanks for the Queen track. Songs from “Made in heaven” are always very welcome.
Thanks bro for this queen song!
Is the freddie solo version or the queen version?
The Queen song is the Queen version. I’m not too familiar with Freddie’s solo version although I’ve heard it a couple of times.
I like both versions. However, I don’t think the Freddie Mercury solo version has any guitar, so the Queen version might be better for Rock band.
Couple of great ones there, thanks for sharing!
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