Winger Requests

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  • #388565

    Hey, I Just want to know that I like the hair metal band, Winger. They have a great sound a killer guitar solos! But too bad we didn’t have any of these songs. However, I would like to make a request for some songs that are from the band:





    Winger-Headed for a Heartbreak

    Winger-Can’t Get Enuff

    Winger-Miles Away


    Or the other fact, how about the full albums:


    Winger, 1988

    In the Heart of the Young, 1990


    That’s my request, Thank you!


    Jack Zimmerman


    P.S Thank you for creating this website! After Harmonix pulled the plug on the weekly Rock Band DLC with “American Pie”, you guys created this site to continue the tradition, let along learning to use custom songs!


      I was dying to do Who’s the One but I never found enough good material to work on. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif”>



      I really don’t have anything to add to this.


        ^ I was thinking it as soon as I saw the topic title.



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