Will C3 make a comeback?

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      So with everything happening with Mad Catz, and lets be honest, the disappointing Rockband 4, Harmonix is in a little trouble. While DLC for RB4 has been pretty good, and I hope they continue to make good DLC, It may not be enough to save if everything goes wrong. I was wondering, if for whatever reason Harnonix just stops with Rockband 4, no more updates, no more DLC, will we ever see a return of C3, whether it’s weelky or whenever?


        I see Farottone’s House of Customs a semi return to C3 releases especially when you consider half of C3’s output was down to him!


        I must admit I’m back playing customs. I enjoy RB4 but just prefer the sheer amount of great custom songs that are available – and I own 99% of official DLC. Apart from a few small features RB3 is the better game imo.


        In saying that i’d love to see C3 fully return.


          I truly hope so. The C3 has released songs people would only dream to be in Rock Band. Some of the releases are far better than anything Harmonix has released in a week. These authors even worked without multi tracks, most of the time, and still pumped out accurate charts. It’d be amazing if it made a return.


          I really hope they do, would be great to see them back in action!


          I fully intended on getting RB4 (and still am) but this intention was soured when I read the reviews and not just the reviewers opinions, but also the player base on here and around the interwebs. I think to myself why buy it? Even though I’m a Harmonix fanboy, I have literally spent £100’s if not over a £1000s on DLC and equipment but Harmonix need to make me want to buy RB4 and they simply aren’t doing that so far…


          And its all down to my own music tastes but the on disc set-list just doesn’t appeal to me and the DLC that they have released so has also been very lacklustre but this is just my opinion and my tastes…

          Fat Halpert

            It is a little disappointing for the people who don’t plan on ever upgrading to Rock Band 4, because all they get out of it is the loss of new customs. I know a lot of people have been saying “That song is in RB4 now as DLC/on disc, so you can just play it there.” The problem is that a lot of these songs have great key parts, plus I’ve been using an E-kit for years and don’t plan on downgrading just to play a few extra songs that aren’t in RB3. I love Harmonix as a company and I sympathize with all of the crap that they’ve had to go through to get this game running on a new engine, but honestly this game is a mess and is lacking too many great features that Rock Band 3 had. I would definitely be stoked if C3 came back.

            You can reach me on Discord: Fat Halpert#3165


            One thing i’m curious about, is let’s say RB4 lost support, would we still have the “no RB4 song” rules?


            Personally, i’m supporting harmonix and picking up DLC regardless if I have a custom of it or not, for example, I have Hey Ya and Zombie as a custom, but I still bought Hey Ya and if Zombie is the Cranberries song released as DLC, i’ll buy it as I don’t want to see this series fail again but I’m not playing RB4 these days, all my playtime is going towards 3 still, and that would happen with or without customs I feel as my issues with RB4 sadly sour my enjoyment of it

              Rock Band is dead they say.
              Long live Rock Band.

              I would take C3 customs over RB4 dlc.


              The only missing parts will be the camera stuff and animations with c3 releases, most people don’t do them.


                You guys sure like to discuss hypotheticals.


                I would love to see a comeback, but as said before, House of Customs is like a semi-return to C3.


                I see Farottone’s House of Customs a semi return to C3 releases especially when you consider half of C3’s output was down to him!


                I must admit I’m back playing customs. I enjoy RB4 but just prefer the sheer amount of great custom songs that are available – and I own 99% of official DLC. Apart from a few small features RB3 is the better game imo.


                In saying that i’d love to see C3 fully return.


                Don’t forget Bearz’ new releases too.


                So how do you join or get a song in house of customs


                So how do you join or get a song in house of customs

                He comes to you. He actually offered it to me a while back, but I declined (politely of course).

                But yeah, I believe that’s how he does it, exactly like how a TV Show director/producer/whatever asks an actor to be a guest on a TV show. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


                Ok, guess there is no way that will happen as i’m like hated so much and that is the reason why i’m leaving or taking a break, one of them.


                I’m sure everyone but me got a message.

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