Why create “Expert Only” customs??

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      The tools mentioned actually function from within REAPER using Python and REAPER’s own scripting language.

      My bad, I don’t really dabble in Rock Band customs so I thought they were standalone tools. Having them integrate into Reaper is pretty sweet.


      The point is not that EOF is not enough

      Agreed. Rock Band’s full MIDI capability requires more sophistication than EOF provides. That said, if there is something reasonably simple (ie. simpler than “add pro keys authoring”) EOF could do better to support Rock Band, I’m always keeping an ear open for improvements.


      I don’t even think any of the tools/plugins/docs I referenced before address pro guitar/bass at all.

      I know. I just wanted to mention this as an exception, since this is a particular specialization of EOF and Ziggy’s editor. Given how much targeted functionality they have for this instrument, it’s probably not advisable to use Reaper to author pro guitar (just import and touch up), even when Reaper is considered mandatory for every other instrument.


      EXACTLY what I’m getting at. Thanks! If you’re so great at rockband, that you’re an “expert”, maybe it’s time to move to the real thing or even RockSmith. Just my 2 cents, which may not be worth much. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />

      There are plenty of good arguments against everything about what you just said, but I figure it wouldn’t be a good idea to start an argument in this thread.


      Expert Only customs are a thing because making a custom is a huge ordeal that requires a LOT of effort, and some people want to focus on stuff that is more immediately beneficial to their own experience than charting lower difficulties. Same reason charts with only one or two instruments exist.


      I found this site while searching on how to make custom rock band songs (as I knew people found a way easier after RBN came out) about a year ago. I was honestly only looking to chart out Rush’s Clockwork Angels on drums for myself. Just drums, expert only.


      Started getting involved in the forums and decided I would release the album with reductions so anyone could play. Teamed up with someone who wanted to do the album as well for all instruments. Now I have 2 songs released through C3 and a lot more in the works.


      Sometimes you just find that drive and desire. However, there are many times I want to tell myself “Just finish up the ******* instrument and release the damn thing”. To each their own; customs are here because we’re here as community to share what we’ve done. Many people are very open to opening up their unfinished products to those who want to finish them, which helps everything expand.


      EXACTLY what I’m getting at. Thanks! If you’re so great at rockband, that you’re an “expert”, maybe it’s time to move to the real thing or even RockSmith. Just my 2 cents, which may not be worth much. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />

      There are plenty of good arguments against everything about what you just said, but I figure it wouldn’t be a good idea to start an argument in this thread.


      Expert Only customs are a thing because making a custom is a huge ordeal that requires a LOT of effort, and some people want to focus on stuff that is more immediately beneficial to their own experience than charting lower difficulties. Same reason charts with only one or two instruments exist.


      Hey, everyone has opinions. There can be discussion about something without it being an argument. This has all been very civil, and there are valid points on all sides. So far, so good! :c00l:


        When I created customs I did expert only because it’s the only thing I played, and everyone I play with plays. To do others was a waste of time for me personally. Others who play only expert do all difficulties to appease their followers of their respective threads, but some just do their own and upload to share, that’s the mindset I had, as an expert only charter.


          Personally, I charted all difficulties and the other fluff pre-C3 because I wanted mine to be “feature complete”, but I totally get why other people don’t. I don’t agree with it, in part because I’ve never liked the “oh hey I did this for me, figured I would share it as-is” attitude in anything I’ve been involved in, but people are certainly entitled and I understand it.


            If I hadn’t coded CAT, we wouldn’t have had Genesis Chronicles because of lower difficulties. I would never had pitched the idea if I had to do reductions for 60 songs like that…

            Personally, I charted all difficulties and the other fluff pre-C3 because I wanted mine to be “feature complete”, but I totally get why other people don’t. I don’t agree with it, in part because I’ve never liked the “oh hey I did this for me, figured I would share it as-is” attitude in anything I’ve been involved in, but people are certainly entitled and I understand it.


            Thank you sir, and I agree to agree with you. LOL

            And thanks for all the work you all do put in.


              When I first started charting, I was originally going to just do expert, but considering how many of my friends play on lower difficulties, I decided to do all of them, and I’m glad I did. Although, Ive spent an entire day on doing nothing but working on vocals/harmonies and was not fun, it’s so worth it in the end I believe. Just 8 hours looking at a monitor though, probably not the best thing haha <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />

              I think 90% of people who bother making or playing customs have been playing this game so long they’re on expert anyway

              That was my thinking until it was brought to my attention that these players’ friends/family (particularly children) could not play at those difficulties. Customs keep RB alive for more than just those who visit this site. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


              EXACTLY what I’m getting at. Thanks! If you’re so great at rockband, that you’re an “expert”, maybe it’s time to move to the real thing or even RockSmith. Just my 2 cents, which may not be worth much. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


              because its a game! as much as teaching tools and everything are cool, if you can play a real instrument go for it. but many people say why bother with this play a real instrument. BECAUSE ITS A GAME lol were all in it for a bit of fun, nothing more. There seems to be plenty of people who don’t understand the concept of love playing a game and not the real thing lol.


                Boy, it must be a very hard life for Flight Simulator’s players. “Dude, if you’re so good at playing just get your own Boeing 747 already…”


                  “If you’re so good at Madden, why not try out for REAL football?”

                  “If you’re so good at Call of Duty, why not just join the REAL armed forces?”

                  “If you’re so good at Street Fighter, why not learn REAL martial arts?”

                  “If you’re so good at Grand Theft Auto…”


                  Scratch that last one.

                    Boy, it must be a very hard life for Flight Simulator’s players. “Dude, if you’re so good at playing just get your own Boeing 747 already…”


                    You make it sound like I’m the only one who went from Flight Simulator ’98, to Flight Simulator 2000, to certified small aircraft pilot. That’s not what everyone did? :confused:


                    It was tongue and cheek there geniuses, I think maybe some folks are easily offended or take things way to seriously. But, that’s cool too. ;-)

                    When I first started charting, I was originally going to just do expert, but considering how many of my friends play on lower difficulties, I decided to do all of them, and I’m glad I did. Although, Ive spent an entire day on doing nothing but working on vocals/harmonies and was not fun, it’s so worth it in the end I believe. Just 8 hours looking at a monitor though, probably not the best thing haha <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


                    Thanks Mang0! Someone that actually got the essence of what I was getting at. Thanks for putting in the extra work, you the man! :excited:

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