Why create “Expert Only” customs??

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    I’m sorta new to this still, so maybe I don’t get it. But why make songs expert only? Maybe I’m wrong, but doesn’t that cut out maybe 3/4 (or whatever number you think) of the people who might love to play the song, but can’t? I’ve come across some FANTASTIC songs made by users, only to realize that they only had the one setting. Seems detrimental to all the hard work to me, no?



      I’m sorta new to this still, so maybe I don’t get it. But why make songs expert only?


      Because it takes time to do all difficulties? I’m not sure you understand the commitment needed to author a song. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


      right, I kind of get that part, BUT, I would think that people would want to reach the most users possible when releasing a song. I would think you would start with medium or even hard, then work from there. But, maybe I also underestimate the amount of “expert” players. Again, just kinda thinking out loud. :derp:


        Most people author songs for their personal use. Most authors also play on expert. So for them, expert only serves the purpose. With tools like CAT, doing semi automatic reductions makes the overall process faster…but it still takes more time than just leaving the song on expert only.

          I would think you would start with medium or even hard, then work from there.


          You never author from the bottom up, always from the top down, so that wouldn’t be the correct course of action anyway. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>

          Most people author songs for their personal use. Most authors also play on expert. So for them, expert only serves the purpose.

          What he^ said. You’re not looking at C3 customs in the forums, you’re looking at customs that were created by the community. The reality is that some people (myself included when I first started sharing) aren’t sharing with the goal in mind to reach a lot of people, they had simply authored a bunch of songs for their own personal use then decided “What the hell” and threw them onto an “Other Customs” thread. Once these people start to get a “following”, many decide to go back and make them a little more presentable for public consumption and that usually includes difficulty reductions (like Farottone said, you always chart expert first) and sometimes added instruments. Some authors are perfectly happy with the condition of their incomplete customs. If you are not, I strongly recommend reading up on how to make them what you want.

          Dash Riprock

            It’s also probably worth noting that while CAT is a wonderful tool, it only works with Reaper, and some authors don’t use Reaper. Also, CAT doesn’t reduce Pro Keys.

              and some authors don’t use Reaper


              And, with all due respect to the awesome raynebc (the creator of EOF), if it’s 2015 and you’re using anything other than REAPER to author Rock Band customs, you’re doing it wrong. Not only because it is the de facto tool, but, as you yourself noted, CAT, CARV, etc only work with REAPER.

              and some authors don’t use Reaper

              Not to mention the fact that you cannot author the VERY important harmony parts unless you are using Reaper. Many of the EOF charters suffer from this and it is very unfortunate becuase most everything else in the customs are very well done.


              I think 90% of people who bother making or playing customs have been playing this game so long they’re on expert anyway

              I think 90% of people who bother making or playing customs have been playing this game so long they’re on expert anyway

              That was my thinking until it was brought to my attention that these players’ friends/family (particularly children) could not play at those difficulties. Customs keep RB alive for more than just those who visit this site. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

              I think 90% of people who bother making or playing customs have been playing this game so long they’re on expert anyway

              That was my thinking until it was brought to my attention that these players’ friends/family (particularly children) could not play at those difficulties. Customs keep RB alive for more than just those who visit this site. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


              EXACTLY what I’m getting at. Thanks! If you’re so great at rockband, that you’re an “expert”, maybe it’s time to move to the real thing or even RockSmith. Just my 2 cents, which may not be worth much. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />

                Not only because it is the de facto tool, but, as you yourself noted, CAT, CARV, etc only work with REAPER.

                If I understand it correctly, they only work with MIDI files, unless they actually open Reaper project files or something. MIDI is not EOF’s native format, so that only means people would have to use EOF’s MIDI as a starting point and touch it up in a MIDI editor like Reaper. Apart from a few specific limitations EOF has such as proper handling of non #/4 time signatures in MIDI, there’s no significant down-side to this approach. Such specific limitations aside, I can’t imagine anybody would claim it’s better or easier to do pro guitar customs in Reaper than in EOF or Ziggy’s pro guitar editor.


                  The tools mentioned actually function from within REAPER using Python and REAPER’s own scripting language. So to use them, you need to be running REAPER. Sure, you could author with EOF, then import the MIDI into REAPER, then set the project up, then use CAT or CARV that way, but it’s a circuitous way with no benefit other than not having to learn to use REAPER if you’re already used to EOF.


                  The point is not that EOF is not enough, is that HMX intended REAPER to be used, so the RBN tools, plugins and authoring docs, and the subsequent customs tools, guides, and help that can be found in these forums are based on REAPER. If we tell you use REAPER, and you use EOF, then get stuck, very few people on here will be able to help you with that particular problem.


                  EDIT: And I don’t think anybody’s said REAPER is better for pro guitar, since nobody here has talked about pro guitar that I saw. Is it better? Actually, I know at least one person who would say yes, specially than Ziggy’s editor. More practical? No. Faster? No. I would actually recommend authoring pro guitar with either EOF or Ziggy’s editor then import to REAPER for clean up and fixing root note and left hand errors. I don’t even think any of the tools/plugins/docs I referenced before address pro guitar/bass at all.


                    I think plenty of people find EoF far easier to use for authoring than Reaper. And for pro guitar Reaper is really bad. It doesn’t really matter where MIDI files come from and EoF was created to assist authoring, so it’s all good. However, you still need to import the MIDI in Reaper to do a bunch of stuff, that’s where all the tools come in to play. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>

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