What’s your RockBand set up look like?

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      Someday I’ll contribute to this thread but for now I have just a bedroom full of clutter. The Oreo has such a pimpin setup!


        Loving my new RockBand lounge set up right now so I thought I’d share it!



        Wanted it to feel like a live session room. Not pictured is my Mustang pro guitar or my enormous RB4 banner I got given at a local Con this weekend, but I’m excited to put that up rather than sticking the game boxes on the windows with blu-tac haha

        Is that the Tardis in the corner? :brosius:


          Is that the Tardis in the corner? :brosius:


          Time And Rock Dimensions In Space


            Loving my new RockBand lounge set up right now so I thought I’d share it!




            Wanted it to feel like a live session room. Not pictured is my Mustang pro guitar or my enormous RB4 banner I got given at a local Con this weekend, but I’m excited to put that up rather than sticking the game boxes on the windows with blu-tac haha


            Let me reiterate: wow. It’s so beautiful and it seems so well put together. The grass outside and all that glass is just perfect.


              Loving my new RockBand lounge set up right now so I thought I’d share it!



              Wanted it to feel like a live session room. Not pictured is my Mustang pro guitar or my enormous RB4 banner I got given at a local Con this weekend, but I’m excited to put that up rather than sticking the game boxes on the windows with blu-tac haha

              Most impressive.


              The only possible “fail” I see is hanging the guitars via strap on the wall; when those straps snap out of the little button thingies, or when the hook breaks…bye bye guitar.


              I’d suggest buying a cheap guitar stand. Our “good” friends at Mad Catz put out a cheapie guitar stand a couple of years ago; holds 3 Rock Band guitars nicely. Think it was $10US or something like that.


              Edit: Do you play Rock Band with Andre The Giant on vocals?


                Aw thanks guys, was cool to wake up to so much praise for my living room arrangement! To answer some questions – the TARDIS is a fridge we don’t use and it’s probably grosser on the insider rather than bigger, and samjjones, the guitar on the left is actually nailed into the wall by the strap as it’s basically just there for aesthetic hah, also I’m 6″4 and microphone stand heights are the bane of my life.


                  Aw thanks guys, was cool to wake up to so much praise for my living room arrangement! To answer some questions – the TARDIS is a fridge we don’t use and it’s probably grosser on the insider rather than bigger, and samjjones, the guitar on the left is actually nailed into the wall by the strap as it’s basically just there for aesthetic hah, also I’m 6″4 and microphone stand heights are the bane of my life.

                  Have you considered getting an HD Projector to shine upon a roll down screen from the ceiling? You may be able to mount the projector on one of those beams on the ceiling.


                    Aw thanks guys, was cool to wake up to so much praise for my living room arrangement! To answer some questions – the TARDIS is a fridge we don’t use and it’s probably grosser on the insider rather than bigger, and samjjones, the guitar on the left is actually nailed into the wall by the strap as it’s basically just there for aesthetic hah, also I’m 6″4 and microphone stand heights are the bane of my life.

                    Cool…wouldn’t want to see a smashed guitar perhipheral at some point!

                    Re: mic stands…you could try hanging a mic from the ceiling and singing into it like the dude from the Kingsmen when they recorded “Louie Louie”. At least you wouldn’t have to hunch over any more <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


                      Haha after sideshow and samjjones’ comments I feel like maybe I ought to just hang everything from the ceiling. I would LOVE to get a projector. Can’t believe I never considered that. Also means I could finally keep my TV in my room permanently rather than having to lug out a 50″ every time my housemates bug me to play RockBand (re: every afternoon).


                      For now it isn’t much. If I remember I’ll post it when my basement is finished and I can put stuff in there. Otherwise… for now…


                      Okay. Mine is a little bit interesting…


                      First off, when I was younger, I played on PS2 and had the Ion drum rocker. Once I got a little older, I sold them for a real drumset.


                      Now, after a few years, I’ve gotten back into the the game and settled with the Portable Kit. Surprisingly, they are pretty decent. I just got a different pedal.

                      Pretty simple though, enjoy!




                        Hi everybody,


                        This is my new drumset : And I use it for Rock Band


                        The kick drum and the 3 toms are Tama, the snare is Mapex, the charley, the 2 crash, the ride and the module are Roland, the stands for Charley and cymbals are Pearl, Mesh heads are Drumtec, and triggers are tdrum


                        Does Harmonix think I can leave this drum set to return to their toy for drumming on RB4 ?

                        No way.


                          Awesome stuff!


                          I don’t have images but to briefly describe it


                          Roland E-Kit with VH-11 hihat trigger (functional so open hi-hat is a blue note and closed is yellow), two crash cymbals and a ride with a Xbox MIDI Pro Adapter for RB3 (what is typically played) and a PS3 midi adapter on the off chance RB4 songs want to be played.


                          3 Wii U microphones (they’re from some singing game that was cheap on black friday, but are really nicely made and have a really nice weight to them) along with two microphone stands for guitarists or the drummers to sing harmony if they want.


                          Two GH5 guitars (or for the PlayStation, two GH World Tour guitars) although also have pretty much any other model lying around if someone prefers it.


                          Beatles RB Gretsch Guitar, mostly used for calibration since everyone is mostly used to the GH guitars although sometimes used.


                          Squier Pro Guitar (very rarely used, if “pro guitar” comes into play its typically through rocksmith)


                          RB3 Pro Keyboard (rarely used compared to the GBDV setup but still comes out quite frequently)

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