What is does “auto generated charts” mean exactly

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      I was looking through the database and was wondering what exactly that meant. I have no experience with charting and no forum searches have come up with any descriptions. Normally, which difficulty is an auto charted custom closest to?


        Customs are charted first on Expert difficulty. There is a tool created by farottone that does the work of assisting the charter in creating lower difficulties (this is called CAT). The idea was chart expert -> use CAT -> modify and adjust the CAT charts to make them as accurate as possible -> release. Some people decided to skip a step so you have chart expert -> use CAT -> release. So while expert is charted manually and should be accurate (depending on the author, of course) if the lower difficulties are auto-generated by CAT they may be from very good to unusable depending on the type of song. It’s definitely “better than nothing” though, as many of these people relying on CAT for auto-gen lower difficulties would otherwise just push out an expert-only chart.

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