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  • #482549

    Alright, I’m gonna be real with you guys. Brace yourselves, there’s a big ass wall of text underneath this sentence.


    A while back I started this project because I had thought that I alone could chart all these multi-instrument charts every week. I was wrong, because I didn’t do most of the work on a lot of these charts. Credit was given, don’t get me wrong. Charting full band is far from the easiest thing in the world, and I now have an even greater appreciation for those that commit themselves to bringing new full band content to rhythm games like Rock Band every week.


    Now the last time since an actual release, with all songs with hints posted at the same time was may last year. It is now March, in 2 months, it’ll be (roughly) the anniversary of the release. It’s time to face the facts, this thread bombed. I would like to get it going *the way* I had hoped, weekly releases and all, but I can’t see that happening for a while. I apologize. I am getting a start on some charts, though… in the meantime, froogmart is coming to a temporary close.


    Just to clear things up: While reading this post over I noticed that I sound kinda douchey, and that it seems I’m shifting the blame on other authors for this thread failing. If you’re one of the people who collabed with me on this project, it is not your fault at all.


    If anyone I’m in the middle of a collaboration with could finish up whichever songs and post them (here, preferably,) that’d be cool.


      You don’t have to apologize for anything: you work to provide content for free, if anything you should be thanked for what you delivered.


        There’s some great songs found in the pages of this thread, you should be proud of them. I hope you’re not retiring, there are so few of us left these days.

        Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!

        SomeOldGuys: https://db.c3universe.com/songs/all/__user/someoldguys
        MrPrezident: https://db.c3universe.com/songs/all/__user/MrPrezident


        There’s some great songs found in the pages of this thread, you should be proud of them. I hope you’re not retiring, there are so few of us left these days.

        I’m not gonna retire, there’s way too many songs no one else will do! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


        You don’t have to apologize for anything: you work to provide content for free, if anything you should be thanked for what you delivered.


        Hey, I’m Canadian. I have to, it’s a necessity like water or food. or custom songs.


          We’ll always have that glorious Froog-Mart logo to remember!


          I’m grateful for the time and effort that was invested into Froogmart.

          Like Farottone said “You and others collaborating with you are providing free content for the enjoyment of others”.

          Giving of self warrants no reason to ever offer apologies. Thank you for all you have done and what you may do in the future (perhaps on a smaller scale, but the spirit of sharing is the same)! You ROCK in my book, man! :rock:


          Froogmart isn’t over, it’s just on hiatus. Gonna start it up again when I have a good chunk of songs done (100 roughly) so I don’t have to worry about getting stuff released on time.


          I said this once before: “Charts are charts, regardless if the packs are completed, what it all boils down to is free content.”

          Even still, I feel pretty crappy about not contributing weekly releases, but that’s because it was something I wanted to do for a while. At least some friends and I released some songs that maybe, just maybe brightened someone’s day or got somebody into a certain band. That, in my opinion is just as good as committing to a schedule.


          Out of all the songs released in this thread, what is your favorire and why? Just curious. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


          As a member on this site for years now, I can say you have to apologise for nothing! I think most of us have seen from posts of people listing the songs they’re going to do and not release anything in the end, I have tried and failed numerous times to make a custom and I know the dedication it takes. You have given us content, just take it in your own stride mate, don’t burn out and thank you for what you have done.



          get hyped



              Sooooo truuuue…


              Part of it’s an entire album, that’s all I’m saying.



              How Soon Is Now?




              Hints, part 1: album


              ●Debut full length LP.

              ●Includes two re recorded songs originally from the band’s previous EP.

              ●Well received by critics and considered a classic of its genre.

              ●recent-ish reissue has a bonus cover song.

              ●New to Rock Band and Guitar Hero.


              More hints will be posted at a later date.

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