“Weird Al” Rock Band! A “Weird Al” Greatest Hits Project (September 30 – Quick Update!)

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  • #473061

    This is super cool


    Any chance of “Trapped in the Drive-Thru?”


    (don’t hit me!)


    I love that song – I wonder how many people realize he’s (nicely) poking fun at Kanye.


    We need long songs. I like them.


    <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />



    This is super cool



    Any chance of “Trapped in the Drive-Thru?”




    +1 for that!


      It’s incredibly impressive how you can keep that pace anyway…


      August 10 – “Weird Al” Rock Band Part 2.5?

      Fun Fact: This song was released before The Phantom Menace hit theatres. Al had read spoilers on the internet to get the lyrics he needed. He then saw an advanced screening of the film to see if he had to fix any lyrics before it released so that it was as accurate possible.


      UPDATE: I’ve been working on some other songs recently, that’s the reason why there hasn’t been as much lately as I’d like. Still working on Weird Al stuff, just might be longer than usual, so here’s The Saga Begins to tide you over until then! MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!


      You are awesome




      Waaaaaaait…. are you telling me these packs are going to be coming out on a regular basis? That’s it. Shut the Internet down. No additional content needed. This is it folks.




      +1 for “Trapped in the Drive Thru”


      I just watched the youtube video, funny stuff. BTW there is an instrumental version on youtube as well, may help with authoring. looking forward to this, hopefully done as a duet style with harmonies. Now, to step back in time with the saga begins. thanks for that.


      BTW there is an instrumental version on youtube as well, may help with authoring.

      I’m aware. Thanks for the heads up though! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


      Hey guys! Just wanted to update and say that the next pack should for sure be available sometime this week if everything goes smoothly. I’ve been charting other artists too recently so that’s why I haven’t released here as much as I’d like but I’m really trying to release the next batch of songs. Anyways, to my point. Would you guys prefer if I released songs here like singles style? Aka whenever a song is done, I’ll upload it here? Or do you prefer packs? I feel like this way I could get songs out quicker but I’d have to update this thread probably way more often. If I get a couple of people opting for singles, then I’ll try it out for a bit and see how people react. I’m also finding that while pro keys is nice to have, I’m having a much more enjoyable experience just charting 5 lane and pro keys never gets played at my house, so I think I may keep it like that unless it’s like the iconic part of a song then I feel like I could put it in, minus the polka medleys of course cause that’s just insane lol. Also, I’m seeing “Weird Al” in concert this week! It’s my first time seeing him and it’s been on my bucket list for as long as I can remember! So I’ll probably post pictures here too! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />. Thanks for reading and let me know what you think!


      I honestly don’t know which I’d prefer, but either way I know I’m gonna enjoy the hell out of it and the quality will be top notch! I know it doesn’t help much but, I’m a fan of either. Just keep up the great work, is all!


        Just release them whenever you get done. Helps me cut down on withdrawal symptoms lol. Also have fun seeing Weird Al live! He puts on a great show!


        Sent from my HTC6500LVW using Tapatalk

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