Want to FtV some of my songs?

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  • #406332

      I’ll definitely take over the Tonic song from you.

      I’ve re-tempo mapped it already and it is amazing what a proper tempo map does for a song.


      So here’s my take on this song:


      Drums look solid as far as I can tell and I plan on doing nothing for them unless something comes up in playtesting.

      Bass is mostly good as it is, just needs simple cleaning up.

      Vocals look solid, just needs harmony added

      Guitar needs some major work. Since this is a GH conversion I assume you won’t mind if I reinterpret the guitar chart.


      If all that is good then send the rest over and I’ll fix this up right after my current work is completed.


      (I Haven’t looked at real world yet.)


        In the past few weeks i’ve done a fair amount of FtV and the drums have always needed work, so make sure you take another look at those.


        And for future reference, I DO NOT mind whatever you want to do to the chart. If it passes playtesting here, then I’m ok with whatever decision you make. I don’t get attached to songs so I’m happy just to see it get fixed up.


        I’ll pm you a link tonight after I re-rip the stems.

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