Walk the Moon: Rock Band – Quesadilla! (08/30)

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    Walk the Moon, a band from Cincinnati, Ohio. Their quirky, spirited indie rock has garnered them a lot of buzz over the past few years, and now, they come to Rock Band 3, as we tackle their 48-song discography in a project aptly named…



    Walk the Moon






    Authored by Dandysqueak


    Lisa Baby


    Authored by Fat Ha1p3rt, TomGuy, Atruejedi, and Linos Melendi


    Anna Sun


    Authored by TomGuy, Fat Ha1p3rt, and Linos Melendi







    Come Under the Covers


    Authored by Dandysqueak, Fat Ha1p3rt, and GreenPanda12



      Good luck with your project <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

      Fat Halpert

        I admire your tenacity. Walk the Moon is a great band, I hope you can find some people to pitch in. If you need someone to do venues/lip sync/extra stuff, I’ll throw my hat in the ring.

        You can reach me on Discord: Fat Halpert#3165


        UPDATE: I’m not dead, nor is this project abandoned in any way. I have charted the drums for six songs, and will be releasing them next week.


        What songs, you might ask? Here, I’ll give you six riddles.


        I am a long stretch of nylon or metal wire that you usually walk across.

        I am a predator native to the Americas, known for my patterned fur.

        I am a Spanish delicacy, sometimes found at Taco Bell.

        I am a neighboring country of Spain; my language and Spanish are quite similar.

        I am a phrase commonly said to describe someone feeling sad.

        I am a generalized group consisting of myself and others I closely associate with.


        I know, lame riddles. If you want the answers (you’ve probably gotten them anyway), click the spoiler.







        Down in the Dumps

        Me & All My Friends




        Once I release these (May 17th), anyone can feel free to take the reigns in charting the other instruments! In the meantime, I’ll be finishing up finals, so I can start to spend a lot more of my time in charting drums for these customs.


        See you then, on the very first Walk the Moon Wednesday!


        It’s Walk the Moon Wednesday!

        That means it’s time for NEW CUSTOMS!


        If you would like to chart the rest of the instruments for these songs, please let me know in a PM, and I’ll send you the resources.


        Today’s Walk the Moon Wednesday! This week, we’re bringing three new songs, in a format that will be the same for the coming weeks.

        With summer (and summer break) right around the corner, these songs will definitely be the anthems that’ll be playing all through June, July, and August!




        If you would like to chart the rest of the instruments for any of these songs, please let me know in a PM, and I’ll send you the resources.


          Not familiar with them yet but thanks for introducing this band to everyone <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> Best of luck

          Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!

          SomeOldGuys: https://db.c3universe.com/songs/all/__user/someoldguys
          MrPrezident: https://db.c3universe.com/songs/all/__user/MrPrezident

          Fat Halpert

            Really hope someone comes around with the full band treatment. Love Walk the Moon

            You can reach me on Discord: Fat Halpert#3165


            Welcome to Week 3 of Walk the Moon Wednesday!

            Worthy of a caped superhero, here’s the songs that are released today:


            If you would like to chart any of the rest of the instruments for any of these songs, please let me know in a PM, and I’ll send you the resources.


            Heyo, quick update.


            Due to some family-related problems, I won’t be able to update this project for at least a week. Don’t worry, I’ll be back, just expect it to take a while.


            I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but I’ll be sure to make up for any time I’ve lost by releasing songs that should’ve been uploaded on those weeks.


            See you when I get back, I suppose.


              Sorry to hear that CUTstudi0s, but your family comes first. This will all still be here when you are ready.

              Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!

              SomeOldGuys: https://db.c3universe.com/songs/all/__user/someoldguys
              MrPrezident: https://db.c3universe.com/songs/all/__user/MrPrezident


              Hey, I’m back!


              That took much less time than I thought, and I should be back to my schedule of releasing three songs a week by next week.


              Expect six songs instead of the original three next week!


              Welcome to Week 4 of Walk the Moon Wednesday!

              Sadly, something goofed up the works: I made a promise. Sometimes, when I’m busy with other things (i.e. I get a bit too invested in other games, namely Skyrim in this case), I slack off, and promises like the one I made last week don’t hold up, much to my annoyance. To be fair, though, I’m just one guy doing these customs for now, so hiccups in release dates can happen. However, I still managed to get two songs charted, so it wasn’t a total loss this week. Here they are:



              The third song supposed to be released this week, i want! i want!, will be released next week with three other customs, making it four next week.


              In other news, I fixed some of my rookie mistakes in my first three customs. These were sync issues caused by not re-rendering the audio in Reaper, simple mistakes that ruined the whole custom.


              The songs fixed are:





              If you downloaded any of those three customs, you will need to delete the old versions, then download the new versions.


              That’s all for now. If you would like to chart any of the instruments for any of these songs, be sure to let me know in a PM, and I’ll send you the resources.


              Welcome to Week 5 of Walk the Moon Wednesday!

              Hey, look at that, I actually delivered on a promise. Here are four songs that will be good fun on drums!


              I will be going back to the three songs per week format, just so I can get back on track.

              In other news, I have a super secret project that I’m working on at the moment. Can’t tell you any specifics, other than it’s gonna be massive, will definitely need help on it in the future.

              As always, if you would like to chart any of the instruments for any of these songs, be sure to let me know in a PM, and I’ll send you the resources you’ll need.


              So, this WOULD be Week 6 of Walk The Moon Wednesday, but here’s the situation…

              I’m burnt out. For right now, anyway. When I first started, making drum customs was a lot of fun to do. Now that I’ve been doing it for a couple months though, they’ve become a chore to do, and that’s not really fun. I’ve noticed lately that I’ve been focusing more of my time on other games, and not really getting work done; that may be me to blame, but it doesn’t give me the excuse to just blow everything off like it’s nothing. Don’t worry, I really do want this project to come to full fruition, but I just need some time to regain my energy. Making these customs eats up a lot of time that I currently don’t have.

              This also goes for my top secret project, too. While I’ll still prepare the audio downloads and Magma files ahead of time, actual charting will be on hold while I take a hiatus. Call it a sabbatical, even. Once I get everything else for Walk the Moon: Rock Band done, you will see the first batch of customs for my not-so-secret-then project a little later.


              For right now, though, I need a break. I might be rephrasing my already spoken words at this point, but you get the point. Again, this project is NOT dead in any way; I will return to it in time. Say, 2 weeks. By then, I should be back on track.


              Also, I will still be active on Discord and the forums, so if you need to reach out to me on any of these platforms, feel free. I’ll be here. Anyway, that’s all for me. I’ll be back up to speed with this project in 2 weeks. Sound good? Cool.


              See you then.

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