Vocal Range Divider Marker

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  • #388921

      The docs say “By placing “%” at the end of the last lyric in a phrase, the vocal ranges of the parts before and after the marker get separated.


      So is it placed in the last lyric in a phrase like this? “Word%” This approach doesn’t work for me.

      Or is “%” placed as it’s own event? If it is its own event, is it a lyric event or a text event?


      I guess I can experiment.


        Hmmm. I guess I should have read the disclaimer at the end of the paragraph “This function applies only to the static HUD and not to the scrolling HUD”. Too bad it doesn’t work with the scrolling.


          If you’re looking to do range shifts, it can be done with one of the bottom notes of the MIDI track. I forget which note but it should be marked in the template.


            Yes. Thanks. I discovered that after asking the question. I think it solves my problem. The range shift is not too common but faily necessary for one of the songs I’m doing.

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