Viv’s Custom Pile (Guitar Hero 3-Pack! 10/1)

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  • #439637

    Appreciate the hard work on these! Looking forward to Sweater Weather


      I only know Rather Be, but I know it extremely well because my wife has wanted that song in RB for months. So thanks from her. I’ll try the other two since the pub I take these two loves current songs and the other two will probably be welcome.


      Aright! I’m so glad you guys have responded so well to that 3-pack! Already after a week, Sweater Weather is my 2nd top downloaded song (only behind Everything is Alright) and Rather Be and Dangerous are 4th and 5th!

      To follow in the same vein, I have a daunting task possibly for you and I.

      Just like in the pop pack, I have a poll for you guys!

      All you have to do is send me a personal message with a list of the 3 songs you would love charted.

      I’ll gauge what the response is and work on a nice release for April!


      Until then, heck! How about a very special release?

      Masi Masi! Never heard of them? Not surprised! That’s cause it’s my music!

      I released an EP of bleeperific chiptune music, and here’s one of the tracks!

      I’m totally modest about my own stuff so I won’t try and sell it to you (literally or figuratively), but feel free to download if you want something else to play after Anamanaguchi and VVVVVV songs!


      I’ll be taking messages until next Friday, so make sure to send me a message soon! If you don’t know how to send a message on the forum, here’s a quick rundown:

      1. Make an account (why not? This is a great forum!)

      2. in the black bar at the top of the page, click “0 New Messages”

      3. From there, on the left sidebar at the top it says “Compose Message”

      4. In the large box (not the big big box for your message) type my name (Zanny77) in there, then “My 3 songs” in the Subject box, and then list the songs in the message box, clicking Submit when done!

      5. I’ll read it and your voice will be heard!


      Once again, please remember to send me the 3 songs you want charted most! I’ve only heard from 8 people, I know there are more of you out there than that <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />

      I’m also looking to hear not only from people who don’t chart or may not chart fully, but also from regular charters and even admins! I just want to get a good consensus on what songs everyone is into!


      I’ll be taking messages until next Friday, so make sure to send me a message soon! If you don’t know how to send a message on the forum, here’s a quick rundown:

      1. Make an account (why not? This is a great forum!)

      2. in the black bar at the top of the page, click “0 New Messages”

      3. From there, on the left sidebar at the top it says “Compose Message”

      4. In the large box (not the big big box for your message) type my name (Zanny77) in there, then “My 3 songs” in the Subject box, and then list the songs in the message box, clicking Submit when done!

      5. I’ll read it and your voice will be heard!


        I’m kind of amazed only 8 people have messaged you. I expected you to get overloaded with lurkers wanting post-hardcore and metalcore


        Post-hardcore/Metalcore is life.


          Really enjoyed Sweater Weather, BTW. Unfortunately the David Guetta song stopped halfway with a message that it was corrupt.


          I’ll send you a PM, but really enjoy the current trend of indie rock!

          I’m kind of amazed only 8 people have messaged you. I expected you to get overloaded with lurkers wanting post-hardcore and metalcore

          Well after posting that I got about 20 more haha.

          And actually not a lot of post-hardcore at all, as in like 1 person maybe suggested some. Which is a shame cause I really like post-hardcore… :sweatdrop:

          Really enjoyed Sweater Weather, BTW. Unfortunately the David Guetta song stopped halfway with a message that it was corrupt.

          That’s odd, I haven’t had any issues with that song and I don’t think others have. Yea send me a PM and we’ll try to work it out.


          Many thanks for ‘Rather Be’. Another great song you introduced me to <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> I’m not much of a mainstream guy so i miss great songs like these.


          The things I would do 4 sum Touché Amoré *winkwink* xx


          I like Post Hardcore!


          But I also like a lot of things.

          The things I would do 4 sum Touché Amoré *winkwink* xx

          Well then make sure to send me a message with which songs you would love to have done *wink wink nudge nudge* <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


            I did send a message with 3 songs.. but it shows it in my “outbox” and not under “sent”. Did you get it?

            I did send a message with 3 songs.. but it shows it in my “outbox” and not under “sent”. Did you get it?

            Indeed I did! Thank you.

            I did send a message with 3 songs.. but it shows it in my “outbox” and not under “sent”. Did you get it?

            Indeed I did! Thank you.

            Did you get my message?

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