Viv’s Custom Pile (Guitar Hero 3-Pack! 10/1)

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    OH WAIT!!!! It’s Baby You Wouldn’t Last A Minute on the Creek from Chiodos.



    That clue is sort of misleading since there are still 3 active members listed on their wiki, but they are technically semi-broken up again.


    Just an update! Two of the songs have been guessed, but one is still not right! (I’ll make it easier and say it’s #2)

    You have until the end of the day to guess! Also, apologies but the song was originally released through the other people I collabed with’s thread, but was never added to the database. They’re also my fav band of all time <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


    Happy hunting!


    “Dear Diary,

    Mood: Apathetic

    My life is spiraling downward. I couldn’t get enough money to go to the Blood Red Romance and Suffocate Me Dry concert. It sucks ’cause they play some of my favorite songs like “Stab My Heart Because I Love You” and “Rip Apart My Soul” and of course, “Stabby Rip Stab Stab”. And it doesn’t help that I couldn’t get my hair to do that flippy thing. Like that guy from that band can do. Some days, you know…”


    These weeks pack brings back the good old days of fringes, Hot Topic, and guyliner with an emo kid pack! This is a pack of 3 songs that an emo kid would have on their iPod (although not all the songs are necessarily emo). This pack has been done since November, so I’m glad to finally release it! Enjoy!



    Ohio Is for Lovers by Hawthorne Heights!

    Guessed right by njdevils327!

    I love this emo anthem. Hawthorne Heights is really good in my opinion and a huge absence in the full band library of most! Bring back the days of Myspace with a bloody vampire kiss background with this one!


    Blood Red Summer by Coheed and Cambria!

    Not guessed! o:

    Coheed and Cambria is my favorite band of all time. No questions asked, end of story. So when I saw that the talented Sygenysis and Nunchuck had charted this with unpitched vocals, I had to add them! It took a long time to finally uploaded it, but it’s here! Although this song isn’t actually too emo, a lot of emo kids still thought it was with the “What did I do to deserve this?” lyric (and tbh in the comics Claudio is preeeeeeeetty emo during IKSSE: 3 so it makes sense). So go turn on Fuse and rock your Tripp pants for this one!


    Baby, You Wouldn’t Last a Minute on the Creek by Chiodos!

    Guessed right by njdevils327!

    Last but not least is this song by Chiodos! Again, not emo as this one is more scene kid than emo, regardless I’m sure some black hearted ghosts souls would love this! Chiodos is extremely talented and unfortunately nothing from All’s Well That Ends Well has been charted so I had to do this one! Play this while writing about the pain of existence in that diary you keep hidden!


    Good job on the guesses and I hope you enjoy the songs! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


      Epic pack. I had a guitar only version of Ohio is For Lovers done so I’m glad to see it full band. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


      Plus Coheed is my 2nd fav band behind Dream Theater, so I’m glad to see Blood Red Summer getting even more love.


      Oh I’m sorry to post a full-band without getting a hold of you first, I didn’t mean for you to waste that time working on it D:


      And yes! Coheed is amazing <3 I still need to work with you on full-banding up a bunch of those songs you did for The Second Stage Turbine Blade <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


      My weekend just got soooo much better. Love all three of these songs! Thanks heaps for these and I am excited for more.



      “Dear Diary,

      Mood: Apathetic

      My life is spiraling downward. I couldn’t get enough money to go to the Blood Red Romance and Suffocate Me Dry concert. It sucks ’cause they play some of my favorite songs like “Stab My Heart Because I Love You” and “Rip Apart My Soul” and of course, “Stabby Rip Stab Stab”. And it doesn’t help that I couldn’t get my hair to do that flippy thing. Like that guy from that band can do. Some days, you know…”


      These weeks pack brings back the good old days of fringes, Hot Topic, and guyliner with an emo kid pack! This is a pack of 3 songs that an emo kid would have on their iPod (although not all the songs are necessarily emo). This pack has been done since November, so I’m glad to finally release it! Enjoy!



      Ohio Is for Lovers by Hawthorne Heights!

      Guessed right by njdevils327!

      I love this emo anthem. Hawthorne Heights is really good in my opinion and a huge absence in the full band library of most! Bring back the days of Myspace with a bloody vampire kiss background with this one!


      Blood Red Summer by Coheed and Cambria!

      Not guessed! o:

      Coheed and Cambria is my favorite band of all time. No questions asked, end of story. So when I saw that the talented Sygenysis and Nunchuck had charted this with unpitched vocals, I had to add them! It took a long time to finally uploaded it, but it’s here! Although this song isn’t actually too emo, a lot of emo kids still thought it was with the “What did I do to deserve this?” lyric (and tbh in the comics Claudio is preeeeeeeetty emo during IKSSE: 3 so it makes sense). So go turn on Fuse and rock your Tripp pants for this one!


      Baby, You Wouldn’t Last a Minute on the Creek by Chiodos!

      Guessed right by njdevils327!

      Last but not least is this song by Chiodos! Again, not emo as this one is more scene kid than emo, regardless I’m sure some black hearted ghosts souls would love this! Chiodos is extremely talented and unfortunately nothing from All’s Well That Ends Well has been charted so I had to do this one! Play this while writing about the pain of existence in that diary you keep hidden!


      Good job on the guesses and I hope you enjoy the songs! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


      Very nice pack. Also welcome more Coheed and Cambria, wish there was more full band customs floating about out there.


        Right on, nice pack. Thanks! I haven’t heard “Ohio is for lovers” in forever. It’s all coming back to me.

        Fat Halpert

          I know some people were asking for a lip sync and drum animations for “Do I Wanna Know?” by Arctic Monkeys, so go ahead and grab this new version:


          I sent a message to OP, but it looks like he hasn’t logged on in well over a month.

          You can reach me on Discord: Fat Halpert#3165


          :smug: :v: :golfclap: <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” /> :lol: :smug: :v: :golfclap: <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” /> :lol: :smug: :v: :golfclap: <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” /> :lol:


          Gotcha!!!! April Fool’s!


          You thought I was dead and done with customs but I fooled all of you heheeh you should see the look on your faces!


          So it was a joke that I was done with making customs!

          It was a ruse that I wouldn’t come back and make more songs!


          So this means: VIV IS BACK!!!


          As of now I have some songs planned for release! And although I have no set schedule, I would like to try and release a pack every month! Let’s see how long this lasts this time haha.


            Yay I’m excited! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


            Oops…I guess it’s been a while. I’m sorry I had promised you all some content and I just…couldn’t muster the motivation. Blame it on my ADD, baby.

            For real though, I’ve had a rough couple of months mentally and so I’ve been focusing on easy things to relax. Charting songs is a very taxing thing as you all may know, and it’s been just hard to sit down and do it, especially doing all difficulties which just feels like death. So here’s the good news: I have an entire album, along with 2 other songs fully charted with expert charts, up to my standards (which I would like to think are high charting standards). I’m not sure when or if I’ll ever get the difficulties done for them although I would like to. If you all would prefer me to release them as is without other difficulties I can do that, although I’d prefer to have all difficulties. I just don’t know when I can do it, and concerning CAT reductions, I can’t seem to figure it out how to get it to work right to have them properly done.


            What I am able to offer are 2 songs I made last summer that never got released, as well as mentioning an update to a previous track.

            I’m sorry again to not be able to bring you the content I’ve promised and wanted to bring.


            Gun by CHVRCHES



            High Enough to Carry You Over by CHVRCHES



            There was also an update by atupomaruru (check his thread here to Interdimensional Voyage on a Ghostly Passenger Ship by ZUN, you can check the updated chart here:


              So, so awesome. CHVRCHES is really underrepresented in RB. Great stuff.


              Well this is good! I have a 3-pack ready to release! I’m sorry again for being so sporadic with my uploads. I’m sure a lot of you don’t think it’s a problem but I’m just worrying about it anyway lol.

              So here’s some hints for the next 3-pack! I’ll release it Tuesday, October 3rd, but if you all can guess the songs before then, I’ll release them on Sunday, October 1st instead!


              I’ll give away the theme to better help you all guess: These are all converts from Guitar Hero!


              Song 1: The most difficult song of the bunch, this is also the only on-disc track from this pack. This is the 8th track from this talented band’s 2nd album, their 1st with their current vocalist. This mathcore/metalcore song is featured on the (technically) 2nd to last tier and has a ridiculous solo on guitar.


              Song 2: Some DLC from a band that currently doesn’t officially have any charts in Rock Band either by Harmonix or by us, although I know there have been 2 charts done in the past for 2 songs from a previous album of theirs. This Canadian post-hardcore band’s song came in an album track pack and is the 2nd track on their 4th album.


              Song 3: Last, of course it wouldn’t be a Viv track pack without some emo. This emo song was released in a massive DLC pack and features a single from this well known emo band’s self-titled album. All I’ll tell you is that it’s the first time I’ve charted the word “puke” for a chorus.


              Happy guessing!


              1-“Setting Fire to Sleeping Giants” by The Dillinger Escape Plan

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