Venue Camera Stuck

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  • #396476

    I ran into an annoying bug where the venue camera seems to be stuck back in the crowd for the entire song, as seen here:


    Usually I manually put the Practice Sessions in the Events track and let Magma’s Autogeneration do it’s thing, but this time it didn’t seem to work. I even opened up the compiled midi and the Venue stuff seems to be there, but the camera still doesn’t seem to do anything. I thought it may be since I have 3 Harmonies and only Drums/Keys, so I added in a small Guitar/Bass track for testing, but it still does it. I then thought it was the transitions of [play], [intense], and [mellow] in Vocals/Harmonies, which I haven’t used before, but the camera is still stuck even after I removed them. Any thoughts?


      It’s a little iffy, but from what I’m gathering, what you’ve provided in the video may only be happening on the Wii version of Rock Band 3 because of a keys venue issue. You might have to use MiloMod and create a patched venue.


      This may not be a problem on the other platform versions, though. I can’t confirm this as I’m not available to playtest your custom on Xbox 360.


      Sounds good. I was actually trying to find that tool, but didn’t know what it was called, so thanks for the link. I’ll probably try it on my Xbox later when I have time too.


      Edit: Used Milo to make the Drummer the singers instead of the Guitar/Bassist, but the Wii version still doesn’t seem to do anything with the camera.


        When you convert CONs for the Wii using C3CONTools, UNCHECK under options “Convert venue during song conversion.” Then convert as usual and drag the meta folder into MiloMod’s window. Convert the Milo, then install as usual. This’ll enable venues to work properly when a keyboardist is present. It’s a godsend, and I’ve redownloaded and converted nearly all of my library using MiloMod in the past months.


        Sweet, that works, thanks!


        I’m getting something like this on my 360; I currently have two thumb drives with 2000+ customs on each, and one just stays on the first camera position for every song when it’s plugged in (including showing nothing but the backgrounds in the “music video” settings). The other drive works fine, so I know it has to be something about the first drive — I assume one particular song with something glitched in its data. The problem for me is isolating _which_ song. I know I could find it by trial and error … but like I said, 2000+ songs. Even doing it efficiently, splitting the songs in half repeatedly and seeing which half has the problem, we’re talking like 11 passes to isolate the problem song — if it even is just one problem song.


        Is there some other way to figure out which song is causing the problem, besides this kind of grunt work? Like … god, I don’t even know. But if anyone knows an easy solution to this that doesn’t involve hours of transferring songs around and reloading into the game, I’d sure love to hear it.


        (Standard disclaimer: thanks to everyone for all the incredible work on all the things; I can’t believe what’s available in this game now thanks to all the excellent people in this community.)


          I don’t know much about the Xbox side of things, but is having the title updates on one of the sticks the cause of the issues? This “camera being stuck” issue has to do with trying to play RBN2-style venues on the base game. If every song on a stick is causing that issue, it could be because the game isn’t updated? Certainly not a single song issue.


            For RBN2-style songs, including customs, Title Update 4 is needed for venues (including cameras) to work properly on the 360. Make sure the “problem” stick has TU4.


            Thanks, guys. I’ll check that out tonight. I bet I deleted it when I exceeded the limit and split my songs between two sticks.


            Yup, that was exactly it. Thanks again, guys — I never would have figured that out without help, and would have battered myself to bits trying to find the one bad apple in the barrel, when in fact the barrel … um … had no lid? I think I lost control of this metaphor.


            Anyway, thanks!

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