[UPDATED 11/20/14] The Beatles: Rock Band for RB3!

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      I would STRONGLY suggest putting it through Magma. That way you know there are no mistakes in the keys chart and you end up with the right channels in the dta. You could bypass Magma, but I would not recommend.


      I opened the .mogg from Here Comes the Sun and the backing track with keys/strings was missing. :o Any idea why?


        It’s one of the reasons why I’m going to be updating this in the near future, see post a page or two back.

        I have it if you need it in the meantime.


        It’s ok, I can wait. I was just working on the keys for that song and wanted to listen to just that track to see how close it is.


        List of songs I plan on working on:

        Birthday (done!)

        In My Life (done, it’s quite fun, tho short)

        You Won’t See Me (done!)

        Hey Bulldog (done!)

        Oh! Darling (done!)

        The Word (done!)


          I dont know how I missed this months ago searching for customs but if your a drummer looking for more Beatles songs to play Blitzbob has charted 3 Beatles albums with links to cons.


          http://www.fretsonfire.net/forums/viewt … b3+customs


          Just out of curiosity, are there any customs of Let It Be & Hey Jude? It’d be great to have more good Pro Keys songs. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


            Did you look at the songs listed in the op?


            Ugh, of course. Christ, I’m stupid sometimes. Thanks for the link. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


              Hey Jude is in the works…don’t know when he will have it finished but rest assured im on top of any full band Beatles customs.


              Trojan, first, thank you so much for your hard work on this. Second, a huge vote in favor of the new versions you are working on!


                Thanks, glad to hear.


                I guess I should mention that I finally am looking at getting at doing this update. I had some major things to start adding to Magma and Le Fluffie and then a bunch of songs got scheduled and real life and not enough damn time in a day.


                I should be starting on the update next week, and when I start, i’m not stopping until it’s done!

                  Thanks, glad to hear.


                  I guess I should mention that I finally am looking at getting at doing this update. I had some major things to start adding to Magma and Le Fluffie and then a bunch of songs got scheduled and real life and not enough damn time in a day.


                  I should be starting on the update next week, and when I start, i’m not stopping until it’s done!


                  Thanks for the update! I’ve been holding off playing all the Beatles songs on Pro Drums until the better audio quality versions of these songs come out.

                    Hey Jude is in the works…don’t know when he will have it finished but rest assured im on top of any full band Beatles customs.


                    Speaking of OrangeHarrison….how is he? He hasn’t updated his Tumbler site in over a month. Hope he is well.


                    Glad to hear he is doing Hey Jude, at least I assume that he is the one doing it. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                    Looking forward to playing it and any other Beatles customs he is working on!


                      He’s doing well, he moved and has very spotty internet connectivity, hence the lack of online activity. He’s got a couple of songs coming up, so keep an eye out.

                      I hear through the grapevine that another set of 3 Beatles songs is coming out in the next month or two. Just have patience <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                        Alright guys, time for an update.


                        Not, not that kind of update, sorry.


                        At this point, this “new and improved” Beatles update is starting to feel like one of those games that got hyped up to heck and then got delayed and delayed and delayed and then came out and everyone was disappointed. I really hope that doesn’t happen with this Beatles update!


                        So, here’s what’s happening. The delays have been because Magma needed lots of fixing. I kept finding things wrong with Magma, and things wrong in Magma = subpar importing and processing of the Beatles songs. So really, all this time I’ve been working in Magma, i’ve been working on the Beatles. For You. Awwww.


                        But, good news. I did start. I have 9 songs fully Magma’d up. I can tell you, the fixes have been from minor to a couple of huge ones, and yes better audio quality, and better charts because now we have to comply with Magma, and of the 9 songs done, so far 4 have crowd tracks with screaming girls and all that fun too.


                        Question is, do you want me to start linking to the individual files as I test them? Or do you want to wait until I have the whole thing done?

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