[UPDATED 11/20/14] The Beatles: Rock Band for RB3!

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  • #442635

    Not that I’m complaining, because of all the great stuff y’all have put up, but I arrived much too late when it comes to this site. And though I’m very thankful for seeing some TMBG in CC, I’m wondering: Will the Beatles ever be reavailable here (besides the precious few that are) so I can play them without switching discs? Fishy’s page has had it in “come back in two weeks” mode for at least a couple months…


      Don’t know what you’re talking about. Links are and have been active non stop all this time. Try the link in the op to the spreadsheet.


      That did it. Thanks man!


      Hey, where are the Phase Shift links? I don’t see any, and the XBox version doesn’t convert properly.

      Although there’s something out there floating around with Phase Shift versions, it has no keys, and it’s horribly incomplete…


        There are no Phase Shift links, because converting the Xbox ones is incredibly easy.

        Grab a copy of C3 CON Tools – if you already have it, make sure you have the latest version.

        Download all the CONs you want – put them in one folder. Open C3 CON Tools and then go to Phase Shift Converter. Drag one of the CONs to it, it’ll detect all of them. Change settings as you like. Click Begin. Give it a few minutes and there you go.


        I did that, but the moggs won’t split.


          That’s because I don’t want them to.

          Until the Phase Shift devs add encryption support, all C3 multitracks and any multitracks I control (i.e. this and my other non-C3 customs) will continue to be single-track only for Phase Shift.

          Blame it on the Phase Shift devs, or get a console.


          I’d blame them, but I don’t think they’re any more than one guy.

          Also, I do have consoles, but:

          1. The Wii has video noise and I have no game or peripherals;

          2. The XBox 360 can only be used for dance games; and

          3. The PS3 is still YLOD’d since unearthing it from its 5 year slumber, though the peripherals work well.



            It’s two devs. And I’ve had a back and forth with them on encryption, that’s why I said to blame them. They don’t give two shits about it, and are of the opinion that “encryption on PC will eventually be cracked, so it’s not worth to even try” kind of thing. I gave them my sales pitch, they didn’t buy it, Phase Shift continues to not support encryption.


            Sucks to be in your position, but my end goal is to make sure the files on my server are used for gaming purposes only, not for multitrack sharing/selling/trading. One way to prevent that is encryption of the audio for the console versions, and downmixing of the unencrypted Phase Shift audio. No way around it.


            Aw, that’s a shame.

            (and to think, one thing I liked doing on Phase Shift was using the Music Studio to listen to the song, one track at a time. As a piano guy and a guy who likes instrumentals, that was a selling point on my end. Forgot about how easily abusable that is, though.)


              cPlayer lets you do stem isolation similar to Phase Shift’s Music Studio. Obviously, you’d need a song with multitracks, but you can get the Xbox CON files and use them with cPlayer to achieve that kind of thing.


              Oh cool, that’ll do it, I think. If only it could play XBox files alongside Phase Shift stuff, though. That would probably be a mess to code, though.

              I swear, when I get that YLOD’d Piece of Scrap (3) fixed, for however many months it will work, I’m going to play the hell out of the full multitrack pieces that I like.

                Oh cool, that’ll do it, I think. If only it could play XBox files alongside Phase Shift stuff, though. That would probably be a mess to code, though.


                It would be messy, right now you can play any of the three consoles and Phase Shift, but not mixed. But you can easily create multiple playlists, so you can have a playlist for the Phase Shift stuff and one playlist for the Xbox stuff, and switch between them.


                Or you can use the bluzer rips posted in the FoF Forum


                @TrojanNemo Looks like a good plan, then.

                @AkiraNomuraBCN Can’t even get in that forum. I did see a Phase Shift (waterfall) thing though, but that’s even more questionable.

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