[UPDATED 11/20/14] The Beatles: Rock Band for RB3!

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  • #413173
      Hey guys,



      Great job with the charts but I had a bit of a complaint with In My Life’s pro keys track. I haven’t played it yet but I saw in the trailer that the ending of the solo was charted as a gliss when it actually has black keys mixed in an A scale.


      The fact that it does have black keys doesn’t mean it can’t be a glissando: glissando in Rock Band are to be authored without black keys even if they are played in the song.


      Yep, what they said. I decided to chart it as a glissando since it’s pretty quick, and glissandos are supposed to only have white keys. If you really want me to, I could do a non-glissando version, but I think most players wouldn’t mind a glissando.


      Well, its not that big of a deal, I just didn’t know if you had noticed but you did so I’m not trying to be a nuisance <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


        So I was back this week for something you’ll all hear about in a few minutes when today’s blog post releases. One of the accomplishments from this week eventually led to me staring at high resolution textures from TB:RB in all their glory. Since I love the The Beatles and I had a blast looking at these, I thought I would show you all I still love ya, and provide you with the textures as well.


        Keep in mind this is a 170MB package of images, because as I said, high resolution. As far as I understand it, nobody has accomplished this before? So nobody’s seen these images in this format outside HMX and Apple Studios? Correct me if i’m wrong. In any case, enjoy.




        Thanks for the Beatles textures, going through them now, way awesome!


          I just saw all the pictures from Beatles Textures. Amazing!



          magic word?


            Server is being updated. Just sit tight for a bit.


            Thank You, bro


            Having a problem downloading the songs. All of them show up as corrupted and won’t play. I’ve tried downloading them in Opera and Chrome. No luck. Any idea?


              No idea. I tested a few of them in game yesterday and there was no problems. Just downloaded a few at random now to test and they are fine on this end.


              Hmm, I’ll have to try again. I even tried adding _rb3con to several of them and it didn’t work….


                That does nothing. If the file is corrupt when you download then it’s corrupt. I’m just not seeing it as corrupt on my end.


                Ok, downloaded 3 songs with Firefox this time. Used Party Buffalo. New USB drive. All corrupted.


                (A Hard Days Night, Can’t Buy Me Love, I saw Her Standing There.)


                  Ok, I see the problem. Give me a few hours to upload fixed copies. :blush:

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