Unusual request

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    So, I’ve a request, if at all possible. You see, my uncle was a part of a band, they sound fantastic, definitely a classic rock vibe. They are in no way known, you cant find them online or anything. Unfortunately, my uncle, who played bass and on some songs sang too, passed away. I was wondering if anyone, because I’m just no good at charting or anything, would want to chart out a few of their songs for full band, both so that I can play them, and maybe others could enjoy playing the music he loved. I don’t have multitrack recordings, just mp3’s, but if anyone feels like undertaking that, I would be extremely grateful.


    I would suggest uploading one or two of them to YouTube and posting the links in this thread. That way people could hear them, and you might get someone interested based on that.


    I can relate, I’ve charted one of my dad’s songs, might do one or two more over time. Feels nice.

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