Unable to play song

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  • #393526

    I had programmed guitar and bass for my first song, only on expert. It plays fine. I used CAT to generate EMH, and there seems to be a problem. Magma gives no errors, the song visualizer reads it fine. But when I put it on my xbox, the album art doesn’t display and it doesn’t play a sample of the song. When I try to play it, it skips the song. I tried loading the version with only extreme, and it still works fine. Help?


      Nothing in the lower difficulties sections would compromise the file to the point that it’s not properly read in game. It’s something different in the new build, but not the notes that actually pass Magma scrutiny.


      Have you tried changing the song ID and file name or deleting the song cache then rebuilding with updated version?


      Have you tried changing the song ID and file name or deleting the song cache then rebuilding with updated version?

      Sorry, I’m not 100% sure how I’d do that


      Sorry, I’m not 100% sure how I’d do that


      In magma, on the last tab, you can change your song ID by clicking “new ID”.



      In magma, on the last tab, you can change your song ID by clicking “new ID”.

      Thank you. I’ll try this


      Also, it wasn’t just one corrupted file, because i tried build song more than once and it didn’t work


        I used to run into this. I don’t remember exactly what I discovered that causes it, but now every time I do a new build of a song, I name it something different. This forces Rock Band to see it as a “new track” and re-loads it, without having to erase your cache (which is never necessary in my experience.)


        For example:


        Build 1: josie_rb3con

        Build 2: josie_v2_rb3con


        So on, so forth.


        I know for sure that I’ve run into the issue you mentioned when reverting to an old file name that the cache recognized, with a new build. So if I went from v1, to v2, then did a new build as “v1” again, this would happen.


        My guess is the game sees the track and says “yeah I recognize this, no reason to load it again (because it takes longer that way)” and then when it attempts to load the data from the cached file, that particular file no longer exists (because it’s been rebuilt as something else). That is a complete guess, though.


        Last note: I’ve never had to change the Song ID when doing this. The only time I change a Song ID is if I notice that it has the same ID as another song in my library, which will prevent it from populating in your song list in game (even though the game still shows it as “loading a new song” when it’s building the library on boot.)


        It is working now. Thanks!

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