Unable to load song

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  • #390689

    Hello, I’m looking for advice as to why this song is not loading onto my usb stick through party buffalo.



    It puts the following error everytime:


    Invalid name: “The Backstreet Boys – As Long As You Love Me”

    Parameter name: EntryName


    at CLKsFATXLib.EntryFunctions.GetNewEntry(Folder Destination, UInt32 Size, Flags[] Flags, String EntryName)

    at CLKsFATXLib.Folder.CreateNewFile(String Path)

    at Party_Buffalo.Forms.EntryAction.b__0()



    If anyone could help that would be awesome. Trying to surprise my wife <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


    The name of the rb3con file is too long, just renaming it to something shorter should work.

      The name of the rb3con file is too long, just renaming it to something shorter should work.


      Yep. Consider removing the spaces and using abbreviations too..


      bsb_aslongas should be unique, recognizable, and PB-friendly.


        Using C3 CON Tools’ Batch Renamer also takes care of fixing problems with the filenames.


        Thanks everyone that fixed it. Renamed and had to switch to Horizon instead of Party Buffalo and it loaded up great.

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