Uh oh, Kem is trying to Tempo Map again! – A New Attempt


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      I see. I assume I still put markers at subsequent downbeats? This is probably what got me off track in the first place.


      I think I will take another whack at it now that I know this, and post a new project for review after that.


      Thanks for the help!


      No, I don’t think that threw you off as I said. All went fine until you started drifing by 60ms per measure. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>



        No, I don’t think that threw you off as I said. All went fine until you started drifing by 60ms per measure. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />

        Well here is my newest attempt:




        I only got to measure 7 this time before a missing peak destroyed my faith in humanity.


        Maybe tempo mapping is just beyond my ability to understand <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />


          Are you using the metronome or not?


            Are you using the metronome or not?

            This particular attempt was not made using the metronome.


              So, I have come to the conclusion that this particular song is too difficult for me to tempo map at my current ‘skill’ level, so I have put it on hiatus for the moment.


              In the meantime I’m going to try practicing with simpler songs to see if I can get that magic ‘Oh yeah!’ moment where I start to understand it. In that vein, here is my newest attempt:




              I am about halfway through it, and it seems to be going pretty smoothly (which terrifies me). I am using the metronome this time.


              Something doesn’t ‘feel’ quite right even though it ‘seems’ to be going ok, so I figured I had better post it before I get too far, in case I have fudged it somehow.


              EDIT: Here is the whole map:




              It gets lost near the end (or at least that is where I noticed it). Not sure why.


              You’re right, this sould be easier since the beat is pretty straightforward and easier to read.

              Quick remarks :

              – Your 2 first bars have a different tempo (98 bpm) from the third bar (110bpm) : not good !
              – The tempo is 25% faster than what you have mapped, give or take (between 135-140bpm). You can see that the snare hits and drum kicks are not properly aligned in your bars (ie don’t fall on beats or half-beats or quarter-beats…).

              Each bar (at least at the begininng) should go :
              S S S k S k
              1 and 2 and 3 and 4

              and the fifth snare hit should be the beginning of a new bar (instead of the sixth).


                OK, I get ya. I noticed that basic drum pattern and figured it should map around those, but I must not have been reading the waveform properly. I will take another look at it.




                  OK I went back and checked it again:


                  Project 2


                  It went much better. I think missing that fifth snare the first time was what messed me up. It actually feels right this time.


                  It’s only partially done because something came up while I was working on it, but I wanted to post it just to make sure I’m really on the right track.


                  Yup, that’s the idea. Only 150 bars left to map <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                    I don’t know if this is relevant or not, but here’s another explanation of tempo mapping:




                      Why using that method when using the Q shortcut gives the same result without having to transform anything and without having to clutter the entire tempo track with markers? Genuine question, I’m curious to know.


                      One thing I do NOT advise is tempo mapping in real time: it’s not even remotely accurate enough for a tight tempo map, just imagine the lag between you hearing a sound and pressing the button, plus the delay between when the sound occurs and when Reaper plays it back. Tempo mapping is 75% eye and 25% ears, use the waveforms and accurately place your markers on the peaks. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


                        Yeah I use the waveform mostly. I listen when there are a couple of peaks right next to each other and I’m trying to pick out which is the right one <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                        The main problem I have (out of lots of problems) is which peak out of the whole ‘collection’ of peaks that makes up one drum hit is the one I’m supposed to use.

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