TU4/RB:HP vs. TU5 re-adds.

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    A bit frustrated, hoping I might just be overlooking something, or haven’t tried something yet.


    I set up the RB:HP files, everything works great with the harmonies, pro guitar, etc. But I had forgotten about Black Hole Sun/Dani California (and Pleymo’s “New Wave”, to a lesser extent). So I tried updating to TU5 to get the tracks, then deleting it and going back to TU4, with the new songs still in the cache. It worked, the songs are back in, but now the harmonies are disabled (though the pro g/b charts are still there, I know they work separately).


    Any thoughts? I know customs of pre-existing tracks might be frowned upon, but I’d rather have the whole shebang if I can, considering I run my setup at a few conventions, and both the harmonies and those two songs (minus “New Wave”) would both be appreciated.


      That’s why we instruct our users to use 2 USB drives, one for TU4 and one for TU5.


        Four options:


        a) Run the recommended RBHP setup: Get two USB sticks. TU4, offline-only profile w/ saved game, RBHP on one stick. TU5, regular saved game, optionally your online profile on the other. Plug in TU5 stick when playing online. Plug in TU4 stick when playing customs/RBHP.


        :cool: Run RBHP under TU5 and deal with scores ending up on the leaderboards.


        c) Build under TU4, then update to TU5 to get those songs, and go back to TU4. Keep the dummy file there the whole time (so, TU4 RBHP build, TU5 build, TU4 cache load), deleting it only after the builds. I don’t actually know if this would work but it makes sense that it could.


        d) Copy BHS/DC off your Xbox and edit the copies to change the ‘short name’ and song id (along with the ones in the RBHP .dta files for those songs), making them into CONs. Use the CONs for TU4, originals for TU5 (either keeping both and changing the song name as it appears in game to distinguish, or doing glorious USB sticks). Le Fluffie’s “Quick DTA Editor” is aces for this.


        I was already running the first option before I ran into this snag today. The problem seems to be running RB:HP and wanting customs as well (I’m greedy, I know).


        I have yet to try option C, going to give that a shot in a moment. And if that doesn’t work, might go with D. Thank you for the suggestions. I’m only fretting because I run a printed songbook for when others use my setup, and I took the time to edit for RB:HP upgrades earlier today (before I knew TU5 would cancel out the harmony/keys additions).


        (Thank you for being surprisingly prompt, if you need any other information, I can try to provide it.)


          Well, RB:HP and customs should play just fine together. Perhaps I’m not getting where the problem lies in that sense.


          It could be something tiny, or some certain arrangement of files I’m not picking up on (though I’m very inexperienced with RB:HP so far, other than being glad to see my band unisons still work). The harmonies were present and worked until I updated to TU5 (for the missing tracks), and when I checked my list afterward, the missing songs were there and the harmonies were not.


          Just about to rebuild my TU4 library (popped the hard drive back in, still following directions), will update you if I notice anything different.


          Edit — After getting TU5, cache was rebuilding and I got my second “You’ve reached the max number of songs” message of the day (I believe the one earlier was during a TU4 cache building, deleted and tried again, didn’t have further issues with that), about to try deleting the TU5 cache to see if it’ll rebuild without the same message.

            It could be something tiny, or some certain arrangement of files I’m not picking up on (though I’m very inexperienced with RB:HP so far, other than being glad to see my band unisons still work). The harmonies were present and worked until I updated to TU5 (for the missing tracks), and when I checked my list afterward, the missing songs were there and the harmonies were not.


            Thinking about it, occasionally, different title updates being in play will cause problems, even with a dummy present. It doesn’t happen on all configurations, but it does happen on some — my recommendation was always (in the two USB key setup) having TU4 on the HD and TU4 on the RBHP key to avoid it even being a factor. I ran into this as an inconsistent problem early on when I had no TU on my USB stick and TU4 on my hard drive, though for others, it happened every time.


            I guess that could be what’s happening here. Maybe put TU4 and TU5 on your RBHP stick and then delete TU5 after all the builds are done?


            Alright, I got the 3000 song limit again, which is bullsh considering I’m sitting at about 2750. Maybe I’ll try manually adding TU5 after the TU4 build…


            Update — After getting the max songs message, it leaves me with 2290, and the songs it refuses to load are ones that have harmony added. Have you heard of this happening? Any suggestions?


            (Also, apologies if I’m asking things I could have checked for in the RB:HP FAQs. And thank you again for offering suggestions.)


            Alright, I got it figured out. I wound up putting the HP file and junk file on a third flash drive, started off with TU5. Introduced the hard drive (minus the customs), let it rebuild again, harmonies were still there. Finally tossed TU5 and switched to my TU4/customs flash drive. Everything loaded fine, but…


            Limp Croizzant. I was trying to figure out where that Pleymo track was, and someone changed the band name and song title to Limp Croizzant. Not that I’m angry. Just confused chuckling.

              Limp Croizzant. I was trying to figure out where that Pleymo track was, and someone changed the band name and song title to Limp Croizzant. Not that I’m angry. Just confused chuckling.


              Oh, if you’re using the misheard lyrics version, it does that haha.


              Sorry. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


              Just for reference, this is how I get the unblocked songs from TU5 into my TU4 environment while building the song cache.


              I have a TU5 environment with absolutely no DLC. I compile my RBHP packs, drop them onto that drive, unplug all other drives from my 360, and compile my song cache there.


              Then I copy the song cache and RBHP packs to my TU4 environment, deleting the previous cache in the process, run the game once to make sure everything went smoothly, then delete the dummy file.


              The end result is a TU4 environment will all of my customs and DLC, access to the previously blocked songs from RB1, and the RBHP upgrades. The downside is I lose my scores, but I’ve long since moved past giving a crap about my song scores.


              Pretty much exactly what I did, glad that it worked.


              I’m having another issue, not sure if you could offer any advice.


              I’ve noticed that certain songs with pro upgrades are having problems reading the upgrade file once they have harmonies added (specifically “Polly” and “Something in the Way”). I tried extracting the songs and combining them with the pro files via Le Fluffie, but it doesn’t like that I got the songs as a pack. Any suggestions?

                I’m having another issue, not sure if you could offer any advice.


                I’ve noticed that certain songs with pro upgrades are having problems reading the upgrade file once they have harmonies added (specifically “Polly” and “Something in the Way”). I tried extracting the songs and combining them with the pro files via Le Fluffie, but it doesn’t like that I got the songs as a pack. Any suggestions?


                You would have to combine the .mids and replace the .mid in the upgrade w/ the merged one (keeping the pro guitar upgrades.dta file). That should do the trick and is a ‘known issue’.


                  So I’ve been scouring the boards for a definitive solution to this, but my feeble mind has been unable to locate the pertinent information.


                  I’ve gone full custom and load up RB3 with my USB key and TU4. But Dani California does not appear in my song list due to not having TU5. However, when I search the boards for a way to regain the song, almost everyone says it just ‘works’ when going from TU5 to TU4. My question is: how exactly do I do this? Obviously it didn’t work in the initial move to TU4, so I imagine there’s a way to do post-change. Can someone please give me an idiot’s guide to doing that? Thanks <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

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