Thinking about making a custom for the first time

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    i have been playing these games since day one GH1. i play expert pro drums on a modded ion kit reasonably well most 5* are no problem but 6 is a toss up lol. still can half assed play expert guitar. i understand file structure of the songs and how to edit the dta and all that… i have dabbled with reaper and magma sucsessfully but what im wondering is how difficult would it be to learn how to make the charts themselves from scratch for me? i dont really have any musical background and im not sure how to break the song down. how do you guys do it? would tabs help? because i can read them from messing around on pro guitar for a while.

    Would tabs help? Because I can read them from messing around on pro guitar for a while.


    Yes and no. It depends on the accuracy of the tab in question. Plus, its only good for charting that first difficulty (Expert). You can’t copy note for note either, obviously, since there are only five buttons on the guitar to use. Drum tabs, on the other hand, are tremendously useful (though, again, this depends on the accuracy of the tab) most times.


    But I’m not really that knowledgeable about charting still, this is what you should read up on:



      If you’re starting from scratch, there are 2 approaches:

      1) Read RBN docs and author by ear

      2) Download GP files or MIDI files, import them and use them as a base

      If you’re starting from scratch, there are 2 approaches:


      2) Download GP files or MIDI files, import them and use them as a base


      theres an idea i didnt think of… i do have on a cd tucked away somewhere 20,000 gp songs i got back many years ago from a website archive


      Does anyone have an active download for the rbn docs? I could never seem to find them online.


        Oh OK cool. And would you recommend doing these parts all in order?

          Oh OK cool. And would you recommend doing these parts all in order?


          Full disclosure: I never followed RBN docs to learn how to author. I followed and follow them for rules, specifics, avoiding mistakes, etc. but they’re not intended for people who need to learn from the beginning. My advice if you’re new to this is to start working on conversions from GH just to see how a project works.


          yea i have found reverse engineering the files to be most useful for my understanding them… the docs help to reference to understand the how and why part


            Do what I did. Look at the MID files from some other customs then see if you can create your own; one instrument at a time. Start with Bass and Guitar, since they are the easiest to chart (If you ask me) then move on to drums, vocals, harmony, and lastly Keys. (Keys, from my experience, are the most time consuming and hardest).

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