TheBrownOneJT’s Customs [December 10 – No more releases here.]

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  • #426519

    Convert Update.


    Convert Update.

    I see stars, Bring Me the Horizon, We Came As Romans, All Time Low :rock:


    Okay, doing any of these would make you my absolute favorite person! I’d volunteer to help, but I don’t know the first thing about charting… I really want to, but whenever i try to learn, i just don’t understand it…

    I see stars, Bring Me the Horizon, We Came As Romans, All Time Low :rock:


    Okay, doing any of these would make you my absolute favorite person! I’d volunteer to help, but I don’t know the first thing about charting… I really want to, but whenever i try to learn, i just don’t understand it…




    Good lol. I tried to do a few All Time Low songs earlier but the beat is weird for me. Its the tempo mapping I cant get. I tried to do Jasey Rae, A Love Like War, and others. When I first started I was so lost. Then I jumped in on someones project and charted bass for them. thats how I learned to chart. But the tempo mapping I can barely do. I started with an easy rap song that had the same beat and tempo over and over again. That has helped me get the hang of it. But we all learn differently. I want to fulfill a few of the songs you like though if i can. PM me please. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


    Convert Update


    Convert Update


    Convert Update.


    Convert Update.


    Havent got time to try it out so sorry if its out of sync. Just converted, lined it up, then compiled it.

      Havent got time to try it out so sorry if its out of sync.

      I get that there are single-instrument charts, and I get expert only… but you’ve got to at least make sure it works before posting it.


        Convert Update.


        Havent got time to try it out so sorry if its out of sync. Just converted, lined it up, then compiled it.


        No, this is honestly not what we want the community to be about. As Nyx said, single instrument, expert only ok, but not even knowing if it works it’s old spreadsheet material, something we’ve moved on from.


        Convert Update.


        Havent got time to try it out so sorry if its out of sync. Just converted, lined it up, then compiled it.


        No, this is honestly not what we want the community to be about. As Nyx said, single instrument, expert only ok, but not even knowing if it works it’s old spreadsheet material, something we’ve moved on from.


        Sorry I was in a rush and didn’t have time to try it out. I had stuff to do and i was finished so i figured id upload it. If it didn’t work Well I would’ve just taken it don’t afterwards. Sorry about that. Next time I’ll check them all first.

          Sorry I was in a rush and didn’t have time to try it out. I had stuff to do and i was finished so i figured id upload it.


          This makes no sense. In a rush to do what? Who is sitting on the forums constantly refreshing waiting for your custom (or anyone else’s for that matter)? You weren’t finished if you haven’t tried it. That’s part of the process. Exporting and getting a CON does not finish a custom.


          Let me do one of my analogies that I so love to make.


          Customs as Compared to Automobiles

          An Analogy by TrojanNemo


          1. C3 official releases, HMX original songs, RBN songs, very few pre-C3 customs: full band, all difficulties, all “bells and whistles”:

          – This is the Rolls Royce of songs. Slowly and meticulously crafted, it’s the highest of luxury and gives you everything you can expect from a car. Everyone sees you in one and knows that’s a serious mode of transportation. The standard everyone hopes to achieve.


          2. Pre-C3 full band and current full band conversions and customs found in Other Customs: full band, all difficulties, some of the “bells and whistles”:

          – This is the Mercedes Benz of songs. Very luxurious and a very enjoyable ride, but it’s not quite a Rolls Royce. Still, anyone riding on these feels a sense of class and comfort that reflects the attention to detail that goes into manufacturing one, even if it’s not all hand made like the Rolls Royce.


          3. Pre-C3 and current expert only full band customs found in Other Customs: full band, expert only, virtually no “bells and whistles”:

          – This is the Toyota Corolla of songs. It gets you from Point A to Point B, usually reliably. Not very luxurious and not something to be showing off at your highschool reunion, but if you’ve been on public transportation or walking, you’d definitely take this any day of the week. People used to riding in Mercedes or Rolls Royce are typically disappointed.


          4. Single instrument, expert only, no “bells and whistles”, untested:

          – LOL here’s the front tire for a bicycle. At least, I think that’s what it is. I haven’t actually tried putting it on a bicycle. But it’s round, black, rubbery, looks like a bicycle tire!

          Sorry I was in a rush and didn’t have time to try it out. I had stuff to do and i was finished so i figured id upload it.


          This makes no sense. In a rush to do what? Who is sitting on the forums constantly refreshing waiting for your custom (or anyone else’s for that matter)? You weren’t finished if you haven’t tried it. That’s part of the process. Exporting and getting a CON does not finish a custom.


          Let me do one of my analogies that I so love to make.


          Customs as Compared to Automobiles

          An Analogy by TrojanNemo


          1. C3 official releases, HMX original songs, RBN songs, very few pre-C3 customs: full band, all difficulties, all “bells and whistles”:

          – This is the Rolls Royce of songs. Slowly and meticulously crafted, it’s the highest of luxury and gives you everything you can expect from a car. Everyone sees you in one and knows that’s a serious mode of transportation. The standard everyone hopes to achieve.


          2. Pre-C3 full band and current full band conversions and customs found in Other Customs: full band, all difficulties, some of the “bells and whistles”:

          – This is the Mercedes Benz of songs. Very luxurious and a very enjoyable ride, but it’s not quite a Rolls Royce. Still, anyone riding on these feels a sense of class and comfort that reflects the attention to detail that goes into manufacturing one, even if it’s not all hand made like the Rolls Royce.


          3. Pre-C3 and current expert only full band customs found in Other Customs: full band, expert only, virtually no “bells and whistles”:

          – This is the Toyota Corolla of songs. It gets you from Point A to Point B, usually reliably. Not very luxurious and not something to be showing off at your highschool reunion, but if you’ve been on public transportation or walking, you’d definitely take this any day of the week. People used to riding in Mercedes or Rolls Royce are typically disappointed.


          4. Single instrument, expert only, no “bells and whistles”, untested:

          – LOL here’s the front tire for a bicycle. At least, I think that’s what it is. I haven’t actually tried putting it on a bicycle. But it’s round, black, rubbery, looks like a bicycle tire!



          That sounded rude to be honest. I was in a rush because of personal, family matter. The reason I’m “On” all the time is because i leave this page open in the background even when im not on or arent home, so i can quickly return to the forums.

            That sounded rude to be honest.


            So? I have seen you be rude, dismissive, pedantic and ungrateful in your interactions with others in this forum, including with farottone and espher. But that’s ok as long as you’re the one doing it, not the one receiving?


            And if you want to concentrate on what upset you about my post, rather than learn from what you’re being taught, be my guest. What I said is accurate and relevant. I guarantee you nobody in categories 1 and 2 are upset by my comment. People in category 3 should be inspired to move up to 1 or 2. If you’re upset because you fall in category 4, then that’s your choice to continue doing as you’re doing, or to try to improve.

            You were offered help by farottone to get CAT working, you gave up ridiculously quickly, and continued to push out Expert-Only charts when you have a one-click solution that will do lower difficulties for you, if you bother to learn to use it.


              tl;dr: If you haven’t tested your song to make sure it works in game, it’s not “finished”.

            Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 199 total)
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