The Wave Pictures – Guitar solo greatness!

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  • #393486

    Good morning All,


    Firstly, I would like say thank you to all the talented people who put this whole show together. It is truly a marvellous thing.


    My favourite band in the whole world is The Wave Pictures, they are a very small band from the UK who almost endlessly tour.



    I think some of their songs would be truly great in RB3 and I would also enjoy bringing this band to the attention of you music lovers.


    I am hoping by requesting a few songs you guys will see what I mean about good additions to the database and possibly be open to customising the songs below.


    I’m not sure about how you guys get the songs etc so I’ll link to youtube initially to give you a Wave Pictures experience and we can discuss further if the songs take your fancy.


    1. The Woods

    2. Spaghetti

    3. Walk the back stairs quiet

    Bonus :-) Atlanta


    Hopefully for the Wii?


    Thank you for taking the time to look at this request.





    great rock band!


    97 Views but no takers :-(


    I guess I have unique taste.


    Thanks for looking anyway.


      At 10/12 hours per song, it’s not necessarily about unique taste but more about finding the will to put that kind of time into a song an author has probably never heard. Best bet is to learn how to do it yourself. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>


      Sorry I did not mean any offence.


      I tried charting back in the GH3 days and was utterly dreadful at it.

      Has much changed? I am willing to give it another go if you can point me to a good tutorial.




      Any chance you guys have some free time to take a look at the Wave Pictures?




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