The Sheep Queen’s Customs (367 Songs) (15/05: Multitrack Madness Part 2)

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  • #475904

      You knew this would come someday, and it will come tomorrow…


      indeed I knew this song would be coming at some point!!! look forward to it :haw:


        I have a game

        I have a custom

        Added Piko-Taro – Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen :DDD



          On December 18th, I will release a 7 minutes long epic song. That date was chosen because the song is a tribute to a man who would’ve been 70 on this day. This will also probably be my most difficult song to chart on vocals and keys, with lyrics both in english and xhosa.






            I got my new schedule for the cinema school. You don’t care? I understand, but please read.

            I’m gonna have some trouble to find the time to chart. It takes me about 1 hour and 30 minutes to get home, and I have class until 8PM on Tuesdays, which is SORTA exhausting.



            What was not a thing the past 3 years is now a thing. I have a FULL 3 days weekend, which is a good thing because I might slide in some time to make songs.




            I have been going through some problems lately, and while I managed to feel better in my body, well it all fell down again. New school and no social skills means I feel very lonely, and I had a panic attack just yesterday. It’s obviously hard working on non-mandatory things when it’s already hard working on keeping yourself alive when you feel like everything and everyone thinks you’re just a piece of garbage or just doesn’t even care about you when you do your best not to be hated.


            What I’m saying is YES, I will be late for everything, but once again, I didn’t know depression would strike harder, and I fight it as hard as I can, but the transphobia and mobbing I am a victim of everyday is just too damn hard to resist to.
            Thank you for your understanding.


              Take your time to feel better!!! This community ain’t going anywhere (i guess…). We’ll be waiting here <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


              Hm panic attacks…pffff.

              Had them 15 years ago, terrible.


              Keep in Mind, the wat you’re feeling now is temporarely.

              It will Go away!

              Hang in there


                I’ve got a little something i’ve been working on for a while, it’s only about guitar and a single vocal track, but should be fun at Rock Band parties. Should I say its name? Awh okay, let’s say that…

                This custom is your custom

                This custom is my custom

                From iTunes to Reaper

                From MEGA to the C3 forums

                This custom was made for you and me.


                  Extremely important and personal message unrelated to customs



                  I am sorry to bother anybody, it’s okay if I get told to shut up about that or if someone tells me nobody cares but

                  I’m really depressed and I tried to commit suicide today. I am looking for help, but 99% of the people I know don’t answer to my calls..

                  I really do my best to find activities to forget about my depression and everything I have, including my crippling loneliness, but in the end I always feel like everyone gave up on me.


                  In a last attempt of getting out of the ravine I fell in, does anybody want to get in contact with me? Whether you can do something or not, I would love to start getting closer to the people on this forum, but I have no social skills, I never had any social skills, and it “prevents” me from breaking the ice.


                  I really hope someone could see this message and help me, but I mostly hope I won’t leave without anybody to care enough and stop me from trying to go on that railroad again.


                  Thank you for being a family where for once nobody bullies me.


                  Extremely important and personal message unrelated to customs



                  I am sorry to bother anybody, it’s okay if I get told to shut up about that or if someone tells me nobody cares but

                  I’m really depressed and I tried to commit suicide today. I am looking for help, but 99% of the people I know don’t answer to my calls..

                  I really do my best to find activities to forget about my depression and everything I have, including my crippling loneliness, but in the end I always feel like everyone gave up on me.


                  In a last attempt of getting out of the ravine I fell in, does anybody want to get in contact with me? Whether you can do something or not, I would love to start getting closer to the people on this forum, but I have no social skills, I never had any social skills, and it “prevents” me from breaking the ice.


                  I really hope someone could see this message and help me, but I mostly hope I won’t leave without anybody to care enough and stop me from trying to go on that railroad again.


                  Thank you for being a family where for once nobody bullies me.


                  I’m sorry to hear that, but I’m glad you’re still alive. If you’d like to talk, feel free to message me. For what it’s worth: I think you’re a cool person and a very talented customs author.


                    If your depression is so severe, I don’t think posting on a forum should be your only course of action. Sure, here you have always found people who thanked you and appreciated you so you will certainly find comfort, but you also need to talk to someone who has professional experience in dealing with depression and can either help you discussing your issues or prescribe medications to deal with them. Depression is not a whimsical term for being down as some people might think, it’s an extremely serious condition you need to address as soon as it surfaces.


                    If you are depressed at a level that compels you to take your own life, I don’t think a single health professional (I have 2 in my family) will tell you “just talk to some people, it will turn out fine”. Talking to people who don’t know how to deal with depression might even do more harm than good, so please see someone who can help and do it now. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”> In the meantime, of course we can chat as we always do, if that helps you. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


                      What Farottone said. However it’s very important I think to have someone to talk to and to have that feeling that people are there for you which we at C3 most certainly are.


                      I…uh…well I really don’t like talking about it but I had a similar part of my life not so long ago where I almost did something I really would have regretted. So I can’t say I know how you feel but I do understand what it’s like to have hit rock bottom and can’t find the ladder to climb back up.


                      I’m always here if you need a Banshee to talk to. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                        Thank you all for your support, I see a professional, or I am supposed to, each Wednesday, but consultations got complicated by the fact that he only works in the place I see him on Wednesdays, and now I have class on Wednesday afternoons, so we (Me, my staging teacher that I have on Wed afternoons and my psychiatrist) are currently trying to find a compromise, which is currently going more in the “It’s better for you to see your doctor” way, but we’ll see how things go.


                          Dude you’re doing theatre? That’s awesome. Theatre has gotten me through some tough times.


                            Dude you’re doing theatre? That’s awesome. Theatre has gotten me through some tough times.

                            1)Not a dude

                            2)No, cinema, this teacher teaches me how to put everything up in a different way when shooting a movie

                            Also we have sound class, and we work with Reaper!

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