The Power Station: Some Like It Hot – Drums

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  • #395290

      Completely new to authoring and the customs community but not RB. Been with that since Karaoke Revolution really kicked Harmonix off on all this charting business. This site find was phenomenal. Blew my mind and much love, thanks and respect to all those who created it. Truly awesome.


      Now onto business…


      Have been really dying for the drum chart for Power Station: Some Like it Hot, but figured, would never get it so I ventured out to create it myself. I’m pretty much finishing up, but since it’s my first one, I still am learning a TON as I go through it and don’t want to release it until I get all the polish on it.


      I’m sure I’ll have more questions as I near the end, but so far I have a working copy that I have already played and all is well (after many, MANY steps of troubleshooting).


      Absolutely open to those who want to add any of the other tracks. I will probably get around to doing vocals as I’ve been watching the tutorials on that too and think I can handle it. But guitar and keys are completely out of my reach.


        Welcome. Good song choice. Hit 80s music is always welcome


          plus 1


            plus 1


            It’s complete. You can find it here:




            Keep in mind it is my first one, and I’m learning more and more every day. So although it is fun to play, I do see some improvements I can make for the future. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy at least the drums and vocals on it.


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                Szukałem platformy, która pomoże mi zoptymalizować moje strategie handlowe i ta opcja spełniła moje oczekiwania. Dzięki nowoczesnym narzędziom opartym na sztucznej inteligencji moje decyzje są bardziej trafne. Dodatkowo, platforma jest bardzo przejrzysta i łatwa w obsłudze, co sprawia, że handel stał się bardziej efektywny. Polecam ją każdemu, kto poważnie myśli o handlu.

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