The King Of Music Charts And Conversions (16 Songs) (Muse – Marcy, Aftermath, Echosmith – Cool Kids)

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  • #447116

    I’m sorry but I was going to make a big pack but I think I might go with 3 now.


    2 songs was coming out today, I was going to make it 3 pack but will make it a 2 pack.


    Time is running out is uploaded and also with Supermassive Black Hole <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


      More Muse is good news! Thanks!


      I’m sure I have supermassive black hole with keys, I’ll let you know

      I’m sure I have supermassive black hole with keys, I’ll let you know

      So do you mean you have charted keys or you have it from somewhere else?



      More Muse is good news! Thanks!


      That’s ok <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


      I’m going to make videos for Psycho and Time Is Running Out.


      Also 3 more customs coming tomorrow.


      It does not look like there will be a video for Psycho as the copyright but Time Is Running Out video should be out soon.


      I want to go to bed so I might just leave it to process and I will add the video later.



      Here you go.


        Just an FYI, the sustains on Supermassive Black Hole for guitar don’t have a 1/16 (or 1/32?) note space in between so the notes run into each other.


          I have no idea why this thread exists. I think every single song in the OP I’ve had for months or years. Are you recharting them and getting permission from the original authors?

          I have no idea why this thread exists. I think every single song in the OP I’ve had for months or years. Are you recharting them and getting permission from the original authors?


          I don’t know, maybe this thread exists because this author wants to share his/her hard work to the community?

          Just because someone already charted [insert song here], doesn’t mean that The_Rock_Band_King doesn’t have the right to chart it too. And why would he/she need permission from the original author, anyway? That just seems downright stupid to me. If this charter wants to chart [insert song here], he/she should be able to do that.


            Excuse me for thinking I knew the rules of the place I help found. Also excuse me for thinking it was common sense that re-charting something that already existed is a waste of time.


            You keep encouraging him to re-chart more songs that have been out for years and maybe one day, we’ll have a full duplicate set of customs. Wouldn’t that be swell?

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