The game loads every dlc…. everytime

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  • #394960

    Hello all. I’ve always discussed about that issue in another topic I made, but it has drowned ^^ so I make a new one.


    When I launch RB3, the game ALWAYS loads EVERY song I have downloaded, and I have to wait for minutes to play… It’s quite boring since it was not the case before… It used to load only the last song I have picked. Anyone knows how can I fix that?


    Thanks <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


    That suggests your song cache is deleted every time you stop playing. You might want to look into that.


    The game does have to check which DLC files are present, but that check is much shorter than building the song cache.


    If that can’t be helped, try packing your DLC and customs into larger packs with C3 CON Tools, assuming you play on an Xbox360. That should reduce it by at least a bit.


    I don’t think the game actually checks which files is present once the cache is loaded; I can just take wii as example: Load game with no DLC and full 3000 song cache; all songs will be listed and won’t load upon selecting.


    i fixed my prob super easy…used to thumb drive 3k songs…took up to 10 mins. bought a backup grey hard drive….boom 3k under a minute. other advantage ive seen doing this way…you can sing a song move it around…and keep the song score if moved back to the library.


      If you are on PS3 it will do this no matter what you do.


      Strange that’s doing that if you’re on Xbox though. Never had it do it unless I deleted the cache.


      I’m having this exact same issue. I usually plan to load my xbox for about 35 minutes before I start playing…It totally sucks. If anyone knows how to make sure the 360 maintains its song cache that would be awesome!

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