The Future of My Customs

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  • #395424

    Last night I uploaded my customs; it was a new experience for me after I graduated from FoF/PS. Yes, I did notice something wrong with my customs but I didn’t care. I noticed that 2 people told me what’s wrong, even the admin said something. I felt sad that my customs were far from perfect. Last night I tried to fix “The VGCP Song”. The gems were too close, I seperated them and added a 2-lane marker but the VCR eating magma told me that the gems were too far for the lane. I thought this could take a LONG time to fix so I decided to leave the customs there for legacy and for people to make memes out of. My new customs will be better by accurately placing the gems on the grid. The Hamboning Crew will still be making new songs but better. I will also try to chart other songs. I love RB and GH and I get you guys are trying to help me out but I just feel out of place right now.


    Thank you. -RocksterofAllRocks07


      Don’t be discouraged, the first customs you work on are usually terribly wrong, that’s normal for anyone. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”> You DO need though to read all RBN docs and check out other proper customs, because if you don’t do that you’re only gonna experience more frustration. Make sure you have the basics nailed down and then it’s gonna be smooth sailing. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>


        The first few customs I released… I think I’ve spent more time fixing them afterwards than I did originally making them.


        The learning process isn’t easy for anyone. It may seem that way here, but that’s because many of us have a few years of experience.


        Your fifth custom will make your first look like shit. Your tenth will make your fifth look like shit, etc. Just have to power on through.

        Cmdr Xym

          Moral of story: for your first few customs, pick shit songs and it won’t matter.


            Dude, from what you got, that’s just part of starting out something as a first step of making your own RB3 song. No matter what you did the last time in it, always keep going til you get what you need to make the song perfect. There are no such things as a wrong nor a wrong. In order words, mistakes are useful. They can help you improve from what you got last. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


              Yup, yup, gotta keep trying and keep getting better. I’ve been doing vocals for a month now and I’m embarrassed by how comparatively poor my first tries are when stood beside my latest offerings… I’m sure I’ll get back to them and make them even better eventually. We inexorably march toward progress. Keep going!


              Perhaps it’s best to “apprentice” with another author first. I’ve learned a ton from working with Chainsaw Octopus and funky. They allowed me to dip my toe in the water and learn at my own pace, slowly taking on more and more duties. Perhaps pick an instrument you like from a song you like and contact authors with similar tastes to see if you can work together. The community is only strong if we keep passing along lessons and growing.


                Moral of story: for your first few customs, pick shit songs and it won’t matter.

                You joke, but there is some truth to that. Don’t have your first (or second or third) custom be on of your all time favorite songs.


                Also try to pick a song that is fairly simple on all instruments. Something with a drum machine, or a song with no bassline or guitar.


                  The biggest learning curve for me was proper tempo mapping. I didn’t tempo map at all on my first custom and after noticing that all the songs I played in RB had every gem perfectly aligned on the lane markers, I became instantly discouraged that mine didn’t. I was really frustrated by not doing it properly so I began the process of learning how to tempo map. There were many times I wanted to just quit. But I kept going. Failing. Trying. Failing. Trying. Failing….


                  BUT, finally I got a proper tempo map, and suddenly the charting became SO much easier. Things lined up and when they didn’t, I knew what was wrong immediately because the gem wasn’t aligned on a lane marker.


                  Another thing that really helps is having a midi file. Even if it’s not a perfect match, seeing the notes and the placement of where they should go is a tremendous help. Granted, I have charted two out of the four songs I’ve worked on by ear, it just would have helped at the beginning had I had spent the time to properly set up a midi file within Reaper.


                  Keep trying and trying and trying. Literally, just tempo map a small section and then just work on charting that small section for practice. Keep playing it back and just getting things right in just that section. It will click at some point and you’ll feel so much better about it all.

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