Welcome to The Beatles Rock Band Custom DLC Project’s first single release! This release serves as a bit of an experiment to see how people react to smaller DLC releases, and if they prefer smaller packs like this or larger packs similar to our normal releases, so please give feedback and let us know what you think!
“Rain Music Video”: https://streamable.com/ph1y95
Let’s not delay things any further, and grab your coats as we are about to head into Rain
Chart Preview: https://streamable.com/6kplom
“Rain” was released as the B side to the “Paperback Writer” single, and is widely considered amongst fans to be one of the strongest B-sides of The Beatles career. “Rain” marks the start of the band’s experimentation with various different recording and production techniques that would be used heavily in the bands later albums. The song was recorded at a higher speed and then played back at a slightly slower speed, giving the song a unique feel that was very unusual at the time of the release. This would later go on to define the sound of Revolver, which was released by the band in the following months.
Download Link: dl.c3universe.com/5ed266594208d1.02368472
We would like to close this release by welcoming Sharpi into our Audio Team. We would like to start including more extras such as load screen audio into our releases, and believe she can be a great help in producing content.
Thanks to OrangeHarrison for letting us use his Rock Band 3 “Rain” custom as a base for our version, go check out his version at http://customscreators.com/index.php?/page/index.html/_/c3-0327-r243
We would also like to announce that our discord server has reached 400 members. As always, we would like to invite you all to join the discussion over at https://discord.gg/XM9gexj
This is cool as hell
Thanks for uploading this I love it
The Beatles Rock Band Custom DLC Project – New Release ” Magical Mystery Tour’s Highlights”
Magical Mystery Tour
The Fool On The Hill
Blue Jay Way
Your Mother Should Know
Strawberry Fields Forever
Penny Lane
Baby You’re A Rich Man
I released Blue Jay Way 3 years ago
I released Blue Jay Way 3 years ago
For The Beatles:Rock Band?
This game having customs is a dream come true. Amazing job!
This game having customs is a dream come true. Amazing job!
It’s really good customs
The Beatles Rock Band Custom DLC Project – New Release ” Let It Be Highlights “
Two Of Us
Across The Universe
Dig It
Let It Be
One After 909
The Long And Winding Road
For You Blue
bro, i puted it in my usb but i cant see the dlc on the game! ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />(
bro, i puted it in my usb but i cant see the dlc on the game!
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />(
Oh dear that’s not good
bro, i put it in my usb but I cant see the dlc on the game!
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />(
Is your system modded?
How does one go about modding without ruining their console too much? Looked into it & its 50/50. I just really want to have these Beatles songs on my TBRB game.
How does one go about modding without ruining their console too much? Looked into it & its 50/50. I just really want to have these Beatles songs on my TBRB game.
Depends on the console. To my understanding, some consoles are modded just by installing a custom firmware, but a regular firmware can be later reinstalled if you want to go back, so you are not really ruining everything.
How aboout we just convert all of these to RB3 because RB3 is better?
How aboout we just convert all of these to RB3 because RB3 is better?
I think someone has already planned that, including adding Pro Keys where applicable, but I think that it’s not trivial to convert them.
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