Tempo Mapping is confusing

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    I know how to chart notes and everything else needed yet for the life of me I cannot do the temp map. I am lost. I have watched tutorial videos and I am just getting more confused. Some songs seem absolutely impossible to set a tempo map for. I want to author but this is just killing me. Are there any text tutorials specifically for Tempo Mapping?


    I have the same problem


      Tempo mapping is 1% rhythm game authoring and 99% music theory. Even a simple song in 4/4 time could throw you off if it starts on an upbeat.


      I’m using a test song to do tempo mapping (it’s my first time doing this) but I guess that has something wrong



        Yes, it kinda looks like not right. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”> How fast are those high peaks?


        356 bpm, 250, 400… and I made it a average of the song and it is 130 BPM. I’m confusing about the “Majors” … I’m wait 4 seconds for the clap sounds and then I try to look for the peak neatly to press “Q”, I guess that this method is very very bad…

        PS: When I say clap sounds its about that in Beat track.


          I can do the BPM if you have so much problems :derp:


          It’s very cool from your part ghost, I really apreciate that…but I really want to learn tempo mapping and do by myself. I have many(double) troubles with tutorials because I’m learning english and then become to be very hard understand what the psage is explaining.


          if one of you guys explain for me with more details may I can learn… when you do this, think that you are teaching for a little kid… (what a SHAME FOR ME!!!)


            I’m by no means an expert in that and still have problems with tempo mapping, so don’t take my word as definitive, but;

            Whenever I have trouble finding the tempo on the beginning of the song, I jump to the middle of the song and try to do a quick mapping of some upbeats there to see what the average BPM is and then I go back to the beginning and start over using the BPM I found before; most of the time it works just fine.


              Is there really no MIDI or GP for your song?


              and what about mine? in many “points” of the song I pressed “Q”… I’m caught myself thinking “HAVE MANY HERE! I JUST DON’T NEED TO LOOK FOR THE REAL PEAKS OF THE SONG and then press Q?” … 

              and Ghostbyob, I really loved your anime project 1.0 and your work is one reason that push me to start to do (trying in this case) songs for phase shift.Someday I do a video playing in expert the God knows…

              and thanks for all the support guys, English is not my natural language and this makes very difficult learn here. But I’m studying and hope that someday we can talk here with more facility.


              @farottone  are you question about the midi charts? If I made it the charts of the music? 


                What’s the name of the song you’re working on?


                Bleach opening 9 velonica 8-bits , sir.

                to be honest i guess that the band is Aqua timez

                I start with 8-bits songs just to learn how to use the reaper but I realize that it’s hard to do tempo mapping with them.

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