t-20-07’s Customs [[4/23] Asking Alexandria & Escape the Fate] [Mostly Drums Only]

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    Whenever you get time is fine and thank you so much!

    Whenever you get time is fine and thank you so much!

    If you haven’t already, you should check out some of my other original customs. They’re mostly along the same line of genre


    Good idea, I did play the Avenged Sevenfold ones, Ive been hooked on them for a while now lol. But I will check out some of the bands I have never heard of like Escape The Fate and Trivium.


    Hey y’all, I’m super excited to have found this post, a friend of mine redirected me.

    I cant believe all the x2 drum charts Im now able to play, OMG!

    I must thank everyone involved for their work and time spent, this is crazy awesome.

    Greetz pzy


    P.S. I must inform you of an error I noticed playing though, A7X – Blinded in Chains x2 version is missing the double bass at about 40s in and again at about 1m50s, it seems its basically missing all the fast continuous double bass. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” /> Dunno if others have reported or noticed it.

    Another Issue, in Alter bridge Metalingus x2 version, the sound is distorted, only coming out of left channel, right channel only scratches kind of.

    And another one I just noticed, now I don’t wanna sound like a menace or anything, lol.

    But in Alter Bridge Come to Life, there seems to be a huge sync problem, sound is way off.


    It’s times like these i wish i was a drummer…I believe i could die a happy man if someone was to somehow chart guitar for the songs that have no guitar, especially the avenged sevenfold tracks….if only….lol


    Thanks, guys. I am happy to help out by releasing some quality charts.


    I am still hoping that maybe a guitar charter can come along, like the songs they see, and want to lay out a guitar track to please so many more of you.


    And the double bass in Blinded in Chains was intentionally done. That’s one of the very first songs that I edited, and at the time I was not able to play double bass at that speed. So I simply kept the extra-fast parts reduced. But I won’t be doing any more of that in the future.


    t-20-07 you are awesome no matter what, and yes it is very fast double bass in Blinded in Chains. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />

    Btw, am I the only one with a problem with People=Shit by Slipknot? I had to rename the file to transfer it to my Xbox360, but it tells me the song data has become unavailable when I try to play it in RB3. :/

    t-20-07 you are awesome no matter what, and yes it is very fast double bass in Blinded in Chains. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />

    Btw, am I the only one with a problem with People=Shit by Slipknot? I had to rename the file to transfer it to my Xbox360, but it tells me the song data has become unavailable when I try to play it in RB3. :/

    Thanks <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

    People = Shit could be acting up because of the equal sign in the name. But even if you get it to work, it’s a pretty shitty play. The chart is so butchered that it’s unplayable, and I actually deleted it from my thread right before you even asked about it. I don’t want to be spreading a song that has such a poorly-made chart. That’s also one of the first ones I tried fixing up when I was still extremely new to charting.


    Thanks <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

    People = Shit could be acting up because of the equal sign in the name. But even if you get it to work, it’s a pretty shitty play. The chart is so butchered that it’s unplayable, and I actually deleted it from my thread right before you even asked about it. I don’t want to be spreading a song that has such a poorly-made chart. That’s also one of the first ones I tried fixing up when I was still extremely new to charting.


    I just realized I had it already, but that must be the old/original chart, and I see what you mean, I just played it, it does seem somewhat ok to begin with, but some of it seems out of play after a while. I dunno the song that well so I wouldn’t know exactly which parts. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

    Btw I found A7X Buried Alive in one post here, would you consider polishing it up and making it x2?

    Unless its been done already ofc, I’m still new to the customs on the forums and haven’t been everywhere yet. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


    Not to be a nuisance, but isn’t Shepherd Of Fire actual rb dlc?


      That’s not being a nuisance. If it is (can’t check at the moment) then that custom has to go.


      Whoah, thank god I managed to download Shepard of Fire then. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” /> Its so much more fun with double bass, which the standard rb dlc doesn’t have, no surprise there ofc. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


      I miss providing for this grateful community..

      I recently got myself a MacBook Pro, and now I am just waiting to active Reaper so that I can chart songs on-the-go.


      I can’t wait to put out some new SlipKnot and Angel Vivaldi!


        We can definitely use more Slipknot.


          I haven’t had a chance to test any of the other songs, but the audio on Tempting Time (Animals As Leaders) is pretty messed up. It’s 99% Mono (there are minor blips that come out of the right speaker) and I could be wrong but it seems like the timing is off, as well.

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