t-20-07’s Customs [[4/23] Asking Alexandria & Escape the Fate] [Mostly Drums Only]

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  • #390779

    Welcome, friends! After some fair amount of time away, I am slowly making a comeback with new customs.


    Customs: Being a drummer, chances are that a majority of my charts will be drums only. This includes pro drums, overdrive, and all songs are 2x Bass Pedal by default. Single pedal reductions are also available for most songs, but they are not given as much careful attention as 2x Bass Pedal versions.

    Though my songs may not technically be up to C3 standards, I work very tirelessly to ensure that my expert charts are as perfect as possible.

    Notice any issues with charts, events, tempo maps, overdrive placements, general information, etc.? I would love to hear it. All criticism is welcome, no matter how harsh it may be. As stated above, I aim to provide quality customs, so I enjoy knowing where to improve.

    Want to chart any other instruments for any of my customs? Hit me with a PM. The more, the better.

    Have requests? If I happen to be the guy you make a request to, I cannot make any promises to satisfy you. I am aiming to chart songs that I personally would enjoy playing on drums. I will hear out suggestions if you know a sick drum track, but I likely will not do much about it if I do not even recognize the band. You will be better off at least making song requests of artists that I already posted.


    Corrections: There are several great songs from the Customs Repository thread that I felt the need to revive. Again, I focused only on drums. All songs were corrected to include pro drums, 2x bass pedal, and I completely re-charted certain sections in most songs. I also generated reductions where needed. Keep in mind that due to the original versions of these charts being so outdated, songs that I fixed up are likely to be far more imperfect than my original customs. I did not add overdrive, correct events, or even touch any messed up tempo maps. I only handled charts and reductions.

    Under the same list as corrected charts are several converted charts from the Frets on Fire forums. I added overdrive to most of them, but not all. Much like the imperfections dealt with in the Customs Repository songs, FoF converts are also more likely to have issues than my original customs.


    Coming Soon: Time has been very tight for me, but there are still many songs that I want to bring to the Rock Band world. My releases will probably be slow and steady, but you can expect some songs that are a real kick on drums.


    Downloads: My original customs are up top, and corrected charts are towards the bottom.

    Simply click the visualizer of the song(s) you wish to download (defaulting to 2x Bass Pedal versions). Links for 1x Bass Pedal versions are underneath the visualizer if available.



    Original Customs:


    1x Bass Pedal


    1x Bass Pedal


    1x Bass Pedal


    1x Bass Pedal


    1x Bass Pedal


    1x Bass Pedal


    1x Bass Pedal

    Guitar and Bass both contributed by TheBrownOneJT, SoulSafe, and myself.


    1x Bass Pedal



    1x Bass Pedal

    Guitar + Bass are the same charts, both Expert only, and completely charted by TAxxOUTBR3AKxx.


    1x Bass Pedal

    Guitar + Bass are the same charts, both Expert only, and completely charted by TAxxOUTBR3AKxx.


    1x Bass Pedal

    Guitar + Bass are the same charts, both Expert only, and completely charted by TAxxOUTBR3AKxx.


    1x Bass Pedal

    Guitar + Bass are the same charts, both Expert only, and completely charted by WarriorCat.


    1x Bass Pedal

    Guitar + Bass are the same charts, both Expert only, and completely charted by WarriorCat.




    Revived Charts:


    Original author: MJR


    Original converter: spindoctor6969


    Original author: Rex Voluntas


    1x Bass Pedal

    Original author: MaggotSoldier666


    1x Bass Pedal

    Original author: italianstal1ion (and his friends)


    Original author: italianstal1ion (and his friends)


    Original author: italianstal1ion (and his friends)


    1x Bass Pedal

    Original author: italianstal1ion (and his friends)


    1x Bass Pedal

    Original author: italianstal1ion (and his friends)


    1x Bass Pedal

    Original author: italianstal1ion (and his friends)


    1x Bass Pedal

    Original author: italianstal1ion (and his friends)


    1x Bass Pedal

    Original author: italianstal1ion (and his friends)


    Original author: venom426


    Original author: venom426


    Original author: venom426


    Original author: Rex Voluntas


    Original author: unknown


    Original author: italianstal1ion (and his friends)


    1x Bass Pedal

    Original author: Meander


    1x Bass Pedal

    Original author: Grinnz


    1x Bass Pedal

    Original author: unknown


    Original author: Rex Voluntas


    Original converter: unknown


    1x Bass Pedal

    Original author: unknown


    1x Bass Pedal

    Original author: unknown


    Original author: italianstal1ion (and his friends)


    Original author: italianstal1ion (and his friends)


    1x Bass Pedal

    Original author: Anayalata



    Many thanks go out to several forum members as well as admins who have patiently assisted me through my authoring adventures!


      In fact, none of my customs by far have overdrive, though that will change whenever I really figure out the timing of measures for drum fills.

      You need an overdrive about every 10 measures. After the first two, put a drum fill (all 5 lanes) 2 measures after the overdrive, then 5 after that. For example:


      M6:overdrive M16:overdrive M18:fill M23:fill M26:overdrive M28:fill M33:fill M36:overdrive etc.


      If you can end a fill on a green cymbal or tom, shift the fill left or right so the fill ends just before the green.

      Always have a 1 measure gap between a drum fill and an overdrive to avoid weird things happening.

      That’s just a rule of thumb; obviously you don’t put overdrive or fills where the drums aren’t actually playing.


      Awesome! Welcome aboard, I look forward to trying these out.


      As far as requests: I’d be up for anything by Sevendust


        You need an overdrive about every 10 measures. After the first two, put a drum fill (all 5 lanes) 2 measures after the overdrive, then 5 after that.


        I am always very wary of correcting the Maestro, mainly because I am then cordially invited to move off the green grass, but they way rock music works, fills should be every 4 measures as a rule of thumb (I tend to overlap actual fills in the song so they make more sense, unless I really want the player to play a fill).


        I am now moving off the lawn and back on the asphalt, sir.


        Thanks a lot, guys

        Believe it or not, I have read that over in the docs several times and even tried charting the overdrive in the past, but the timing for the fills became tricky to me. I will now give it another go since I got some more specific insight!



        M6:overdrive M16:overdrive M18:fill M23:fill M26:overdrive M28:fill M33:fill M36:overdrive etc.



        I noticed that you used M6 as the first overdrive phrase. Is this randomly selected? Or do you count 10 measures from the start of the song (M13) to put the first overdrive?



        Thanks to Nyxyxylyth and Farottone, both songs have been fixed to include overdrive.

        Even if you do not care for overdrive, download the songs again if you downloaded my original versions. The new versions have significant chart fixes as well.


        Say, not a big deal, but isn’t Breath Carolina generally classified as Metalcore rather than straight up Hardcore Punk?

        Say, not a big deal, but isn’t Breath Carolina generally classified as Metalcore rather than straight up Hardcore Punk?

        I would say more-so Post Hardcore than Metalcore. But I couldn’t find a Post-Hardcore option, so I figured Hardcore Punk was the next best thing.


        Though actually, according to Wikipedia, it’s more along the lines of Electronicore, though that’s a long shot if there’s not even a Post-Hardcore option.


        Bass added to “Sellouts”!

        Guitar likely coming soon. Keyboard possibly as well.


        Fixed charts finally up~

        Let me know if any problems arise (though it’s like I’m talking to myself in here)


          Thanks for fixing up the old customs. I always have an insatiable desire to upgrade songs.


          No problem, Sideshow


          Update! Guitar and Keyboard added to sellouts; it is officially a full-instrumental-band song!

          Keys fully charted by myself, guitar laid out by TheBrownOneJT and fixed up by myself.


          Awesome stuff, ran through a setlist of all of them. Those DevilDriver songs should be devil-tiered lol.


          Only issue I ran into besides really nit-picky charting stuff was the sync on Come to Life, all the notes came a bit too early. You should be able to do a quick fix and slow the BPM in the beginning so it lines up right but it was still playable mostly.

          Awesome stuff, ran through a setlist of all of them. Those DevilDriver songs should be devil-tiered lol.


          Only issue I ran into besides really nit-picky charting stuff was the sync on Come to Life, all the notes came a bit too early. You should be able to do a quick fix and slow the BPM in the beginning so it lines up right but it was still playable mostly.


          You are probably right about the DevilDriver songs. I may just change those difficulties.

          I will also have to look into Come To Life. I didn’t get to try playing most of the songs I fixed up, so thank you for pointing that out.


          Just noticed there is no single pedal version available for any of these, may I suggest using the Magma C3 feature to render both single pedal and double pedal at once for the people out there without double pedals? What you do is copy your drum track, reduce the pedals to single pedal on one of them, then rename the track name inside of the MIDI on the 2x pedal one to “PART DRUMS_2X” without the quotation marks. Reimport the MIDI into Magma and a popup box telling it detected double pedal charts should pop up and you will now make two CON files on render.

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