Super Bloopers’ Converts/Customs (Also known as AlexTaylor)

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    I’m glad you enjoy my customs. It’s people like you that keep it enjoyable for me. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

    I added a “coming soon” section, so you can see what will be included in future updates.
    I will most likely wait until I have 5-10 songs for each update, so be patient for them. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


    the songs I had in mind are two from Take To The Skies, one from Common Dreads, and one from Flash Flood.

    :brosius: :brosius: :brosius: :brosius: :brosius: :brosius: :brosius: :brosius: If only you did spoiler alerts.


    Still i’m aboard the hype train :smug:


      :brosius: :brosius: :brosius: :brosius: :brosius: :brosius: :brosius: :brosius: If only you did spoiler alerts.


      Still i’m aboard the hype train :smug:

      Oh I know what they are <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


        I have a small request for when you get back to Stone Sour. I’d love it if you would do Inhale. Love that fucking song!


        I might not do pitched vox or PK if that’s fine.

        PK could easily happen, depends on if I find a good midi or GP tab to help, which I do have a decent one, I just need to check if the keys parts are good.

        However, pitched vox is unlikely, because the only thing keeps me from doing it is motivation, which I have none a lot of the time. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


        But doing the song with at least G/B/D/K and unpitched harms, yes.


        And I recently got into Pokemon, lol.

        So that’s been taking a bunch of my time.


          I might not do pitched vox or PK if that’s fine.

          PK could easily happen, depends on if I find a good midi or GP tab to help, which I do have a decent one, I just need to check if the keys parts are good.

          However, pitched vox is unlikely, because the only thing keeps me from doing it is motivation, which I have none a lot of the time.[emoji14]

          But doing the song with at least G/B/D/K and unpitched harms, yes.


          And I recently got into Pokemon, lol.

          So that’s been taking a bunch of my time.

          I don’t play PK so that’s fine and unpitched vocals is fine too. And I know what you mean, I’ve been playing Pokemon for 17 years and it’s so addictive.


            And I recently got into Pokemon, lol.

            So that’s been taking a bunch of my time.


            I’ve been playing Pokemon for 17 years and it’s so addictive.


            I think if there are any valid excuses in the universe, this is near the top of the list. Welcome to the joy that is Pokemon! As naginalJJ mentioned… it’s super addictive. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> I’ve been playing since 1998 when the first games were released and I’ve only skipped a couple of generations. Great stuff.


            AlexTaylor – There are a few songs I’ve been thinking about doing for awhile that could definitely use keys/pro-keys on them. I should probably learn to chart these at some point anyway, but would you be interested in tackling some keys for me if I reached out in the future? No pressure either way, just let me know. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


            AlexTaylor – There are a few songs I’ve been thinking about doing for awhile that could definitely use keys/pro-keys on them. I should probably learn to chart these at some point anyway, but would you be interested in tackling some keys for me if I reached out in the future? No pressure either way, just let me know. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

            It depends on the songs, send me a PM and we can continue the conversation there. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


            I haven’t really been charting much the past few days. Just laziness, lol.


            So yeah, it might be a while before you see more “complete songs”, or maybe I’ll do one tomorrow, idk.

            I just want to focus on some things over at FoF that I won’t be releasing here.


            Anyways, I decided to just upload these now instead of in a pack, because why not?








            Here we go, three new songs, with one having two versions.

            And this is wave one of my Ale, BOO, and COB mega-pack, and they will be released in sets of three, like this one.


            Alestorm – Magnetic North *Vox is unpitched



            Born Of Osiris – Machine



            Born Of Osiris – Machine (Instrumental)



            Children Of Bodom – Everytime I Die



            Here we go, three new songs, with one having two versions.

            And this is wave one of my Ale, BOO, and COB mega-pack, and they will be released in sets of three, like this one.


            Alestorm – Magnetic North *Vox is unpitched



            Born Of Osiris – Machine



            Born Of Osiris – Machine (Instrumental)



            Children Of Bodom – Everytime I Die



            That Machine song is creepy as Fk :brosius: Michael Myers is coming for you!


            Hey guys. Here’s a fun song to hold you over until I finish that Metalcore + 2 singles pack.




              Thanks for Dead Memories! One of my favorite songs from them.


              Hey guys. Here’s a fun song to hold you over until I finish that Metalcore + 2 singles pack.




              I’ve wanted this in Rock Band since the release of “All hope is gone”. Thank you. You never cease to amaze me. Keep up the awesome releases.


              Thanks for Dead Memories! One of my favorite songs from them.

              I’ve wanted this in Rock Band since the release of “All hope is gone”. Thank you. You never cease to amaze me. Keep up the awesome releases.


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