Super Bloopers’ Converts/Customs (Also known as AlexTaylor)

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    So I did get it somewhat right (still wrong parts, tho), but got the harmony parts mixed up.


    I charted M46/47 as B -> A -> G on HARM2 (I now know it’s D instead of B after double checking and listening more clearly).

    The entire song has a significantly more quiet harmony part (maybe it’s just effects, not sure), and I now think I accidentally charted it to Vocals/Harm1 without realising it.


    Also, with my friend and I, it’s just the opposite, we just sing without looking at the screen, and even then, we’re pretty much half drunk, so it’s not like we can read it anyways. lol

    And we also usually play on harmonies even if we’re singing alone, because we’re just having fun and not paying attention to score, so maybe it’s the harm2 part we were singing to without realising it. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


    btw, last time, he got 91% on this song, his highest was 94%.

    Well if you would consider fixing this (if possible) it would be greatly appreciated, fam. Thanks for making it in the first place, one of my favorite songs and it’s hella fun on guitar!


    Came here to say that I really appreciate all of the Bunny the Bear songs that you guys have put up. Pretty much the only reason I made an account to be honest, haha.


    Came here to say that I really appreciate all of the Bunny the Bear songs that you guys have put up. Pretty much the only reason I made an account to be honest, haha.

    I’m glad you like them. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

    Every TBTB custom on here was actually charted by me, but most of them converted by beard216 as I used to chart exclusively for FoF, so thank him too for converting and posting them.

    But anyways, I will definitely do more, especially ones from Stories and Food Chain.


    Well if you would consider fixing this (if possible) it would be greatly appreciated, fam. Thanks for making it in the first place, one of my favorite songs and it’s hella fun on guitar!

    Sorry for the delay, but it’s up.

    As said right above this line, Ghost – Cirice has been updated again.


    Got a quick one for you guys.



    This is my two guitar cover of Zelda’s Theme from OOT.

    It’s very easy and definitely not recommended if you’re expecting a challenge. lol


    More will happen, and some will include just two guitar tracks like this, and some will be more extensive, with bass and drums (and a real keys part). <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


    Got a quick one for you guys.



    This is my two guitar cover of Zelda’s Theme from OOT.

    It’s very easy and definitely not recommended if you’re expecting a challenge. lol


    More will happen, and some will include just two guitar tracks like this, and some will be more extensive, with bass and drums (and a real keys part). <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


    Wasn’t expecting a song like this from you, what a surprise <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> Brings back many memories as a kid playing this.


    I have to ask. Is Hyrule Field in the works?


    I know there was a custom floating about on here a couple of years ago, but some parts weren’t charted very good and it didn’t have CAT.


    Wasn’t expecting a song like this from you, what a surprise <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> Brings back many memories as a kid playing this.


    I have to ask. Is Hyrule Field in the works?


    I know there was a custom floating about on here a couple of years ago, but some parts weren’t charted very good and it didn’t have CAT.

    The only reason I did a cover is because I’ve been on a huge zelda kick for a while, and I’m playing through all the games. I’m getting close to finishing OOT 3D (almost to the Spirit Temple).


    As for Hyrule Field, not right now, but it will, and I’ll probably do both original and cover versions.


    I’m also currently in the process of recording both a normal and metal cover of all the teleport songs (Minuet Of Forest, Bolero Of Fire, etc.).

    Obviously the normal and metal versions will be separate, but each version will include all of them as a single song.


    And it doesn’t stop at OOT, I’ll be doing songs from various Zelda games.


    The only reason I did a cover is because I’ve been on a huge zelda kick for a while, and I’m playing through all the games. I’m getting close to finishing OOT 3D (almost to the Spirit Temple).


    As for Hyrule Field, not right now, but it will, and I’ll probably do both original and cover versions.


    I’m also currently in the process of recording both a normal and metal cover of all the teleport songs (Minuet Of Forest, Bolero Of Fire, etc.).

    Obviously the normal and metal versions will be separate, but each version will include all of them as a single song.


    And it doesn’t stop at OOT, I’ll be doing songs from various Zelda games.


    Nice. I only played Ocarina Of Time, Majora’s Mask and Wind Waker, so i’m not very familar with the other games and music, but i’m sure they will be great if not better then the original sound tracks.


    Haha how many projects are you working on now? With the AA – The black (Album), Enter Shikari, After The Burial and now Zelda, MOF and BOF :brosius: Busy busy busy!


    Nice. I only have played Ocarina Of Time, Majora’s Mask and Wind Waker, so i’m not very familar with the other games and music, but i’m sure they will be great if not better then the original sound tracks.


    Haha how many projects are you working on now? With the AA – The black (Album), Enter Shikari, After The Burial and now Zelda, MOF and BOF :brosius: Busy busy busy!

    I’ve never played anything outside of OOT until my zelda kick started, and even then, I never finished it.

    But since I started playing them, I’ve already finished Link’s Awakening DX, Majora’s Mask 3D, A Link Between Worlds, Minish Cap, Phantom Hourglass, and Twilight Princess HD. lol


    As for being busy, not really. For me, it’s better to slowly work on multiple things instead of getting tired of doing one band, so that way, I don’t get burnt out on listening to them.


    Got another Zelda song for you guys.



    This one is the music for the first dungeon in The Legend Of Zelda: Oracle Of Seasons.

    Although the song doesn’t have any guitar, I copied the bass track to guitar for more playability.


    Two singles for you guys.

    I’ve had these nearly done for a long while, so I decided to touch them up a bit and release them.




    Vox and PK for Sellouts may or may not come in the future.

    It’s a possibility, but don’t get your hopes up.


      Got another Zelda song for you guys.



      This one is the music for the first dungeon in The Legend Of Zelda: Oracle Of Seasons.

      Although the song doesn’t have any guitar, I copied the bass track to guitar for more playability.

      I don’t come on for a while, then I see a song from one of my favorite games. You are the BEST!1!1!


      I know you have a lot on your wip list, but are you doing the rest of the dungeons, along with the 8 dungeons from Ages?


      I don’t come on for a while, then I see a song from one of my favorite games. You are the BEST!1!1!


      I know you have a lot on your wip list, but are you doing the rest of the dungeons, along with the 8 dungeons from Ages?

      <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


      Yes, I already have “Level 2, Snake’s Remains” compiled and ready, and I just finished the reductions for “Level 3, Poison Moth’s Lair” just a few minutes ago, all that’s left is making the con.

      So I’ll have those up once I finish up and compile “Level 4, Dancing Dragon Dungeon”, which has everything charted, and just needs OD and reductions (it also gets a diff of 5 dots for keys :c00l: )

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