Sudden Death – Megadeth (GH:WOR Conversion Problems)

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    I’ve been trying to convert Sudden Death into RB3 from GH:WOR. I managed to get all the song files from the game using RawkSD, but the MIDI file is really weird. The guitar track has a lot of overlapping notes, and Magma REALLY doesn’t like how it’s laid out. This means probably having to RECHART THE WHOLE SONG FOR RB3. This will be a huge pain to do.


      1) This would fit better in the “WiP” forum, since this isn’t a complete project.

      2) Guitar Hero charts are a lot different than Rock Band’s, and do many things that aren’t allowed on Rock Band. In order to fully convert a song you must go in and fix all of these things that won’t get through Magma.


        This song has already been converted into RB3. I’m not claiming the quality of the conversion is great because I have not played it but I do have it and its full band. Where did I find it? The hell if I remember. :haw:


        Hey look, I searched these forums and found this:

          … hV3_rb3con

          I’ve been trying to convert Sudden Death into RB3 from GH:WOR. I managed to get all the song files from the game using RawkSD, but the MIDI file is really weird.


          It’s not “weird”, it’s a Guitar Hero chart. Why you would expect it to be ready to go for Rock Band is beyond me. Same goes for any other music game. They’re good starting points, but you’re going to have to fix the charts to work with the Rock Band engine and to be up to Rock Band standards.


          If you’re going to try and fix it yourself, your best bet is always to run it through MIDI Cleaner in C3 CON Tools first. Then work from that.

            This means probably having to RECHART THE WHOLE SONG FOR RB3. This will be a huge pain to do.


            “We choose to author customs. We choose to author customs in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are haaard”.

            “We choose to author customs. We choose to author customs in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are haaard”.
            This song has already been converted into RB3. I’m not claiming the quality of the conversion is great because I have not played it but I do have it and its full band. Where did I find it? The hell if I remember. :haw:


            Hey look, I searched these forums and found this:


   … hV3_rb3con


            Same here, I’ve had the song for RB3 for over a year now. Also have no idea where I got it (not a C3 release, I mark those as such). I haven’t played it in a while so I don’t really remember the quality either. Though if there was any problem with it, I’d probably remember that. And now I’m going to have to add it to my next playlist to refresh my memory (I will literally use ANY excuse as a reason to play anyhow).

              “We choose to author customs. We choose to author customs in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are haaard”.




              I’ve been trying to convert Sudden Death into RB3 from GH:WOR. I managed to get all the song files from the game using RawkSD, but the MIDI file is really weird.


              It’s not “weird”, it’s a Guitar Hero chart. Why you would expect it to be ready to go for Rock Band is beyond me. Same goes for any other music game. They’re good starting points, but you’re going to have to fix the charts to work with the Rock Band engine and to be up to Rock Band standards.


              If you’re going to try and fix it yourself, your best bet is always to run it through MIDI Cleaner in C3 CON Tools first. Then work from that.



              Thanks for that link! I just played the guitar chart and it seems like a pretty solid conversion. I can’t speak on the other instruments though.

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