SteveHasAMustache WIP

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  • #395303

      Edit 8/10/17: Better organization


      Hey there, everyone! I recently started sharing some customs I’ve made, so I figured it would be good to start a WIP thread. So I’m going to have a list here of the customs I’m working on, as well as ones that I’ve mostly finished, but have to touch up a bit before posting (things that are charted, but need animations, lip syncing, etc.)


      I’ll also be organizing customs by stage. Stages will be as follows: Setup (tempo mapping, beat track, etc.), Charting (writing out the parts, usually including reductions and animations), and Cleanup (lip syncing, testing customs, other miscellaneous things I didn’t do before).



      Alright, let’s get to it.

      Format: Artist – Song – Remaining work in current stage



      Stage 1: Setup

      Canadian Softball – Great Again – Practice sections

      Canadian Softball – Peev Shalpatine – Practice sections

      Canadian Softball – Your Validation – Practice sections

      Pat Metheny Group – The Way Up – Tempo map, beat track



      Stage 2: Charting

      Andromeda – Antidote – Keys, Vocals

      Arch Echo – Arch Echo (Full Album) – Bass, Guitar, Keys

      At the Drive-In – Arcarsenal – Drums, Keys, Vocals

      Canadian Softball – Ohio is for Emo Kids – Drums, Bass

      The Faceless – Autotheist – Bass, Keys, Vocals

      Ghost – Deus in Absentia – Keys

      Haken – Crystallised – All instruments

      Haken – Falling Back to Earth – Keys

      Haken – In Memoriam – Bass, Guitar, Keys

      Haken – Pareidolia – Keys, Vocals

      Nekrogoblikon – Bells & Whistles – Bass, Guitar, Keys, Vocals

      NOFX – The Decline – Bass, Guitar, Vocals

      OSTER Project – Blue Rose – Drums, Bass, Keys

      Pat Metheny Trio – Lone Jack (Live) – Drums

      Periphery – Froggin Bullfish – All instruments

      Periphery – The Scourge – Vocals

      Shardborne – Qualia – All instruments

      Spock’s Beard – Long Time Suffering – Bass, Guitar, Keys, Vocals

      Spock’s Beard – The 39th Street Blues (I’m Sick) – Keys

      Tenacious D – City Hall – Vocals



      Stage 3: Cleanup

      Andromeda – Two Is One – reductions, overdrive, lip sync

      Gnarls Barkley – Gone Daddy Gone – reductions, overdrive, lip sync

      Robert Benfer – Chili Dog Hands – reductions, overdrive, practice sections, animations, lip sync




      So, there’s everything I’m working on at the moment. Some are more complete than others, some get more attention, but they’re all things that I intend to finish eventually.


      You’ve got some cool stuff planned, however:


      Strapping Young Lad – Velvet Kevorkian/All Hail the New Flesh


      I’ve already basically finished this as part of my upcoming SYL pack


        There’s already a custom for Meshuggah – Straws Pulled At Random. Are you starting from scratch or adding to that one?


          You’ve got some cool stuff planned, however:



          I’ve already basically finished this as part of my upcoming SYL pack

          Well, that makes my life a little easier.


          There’s already a custom for Meshuggah – Straws Pulled At Random. Are you starting from scratch or adding to that one?

          Ah, sorry, don’t know how I missed that one. Now that you mention it, though, I would like to add to it.


          I’ll remove them both from the list.


            Spock’s Beard – The Light

            Spock’s Beard – The Water


            I had done drums for The Light previously, and currently touching up the tempo map. I also have a rough tempo map of The Water ready (just needs a bit of finalizing). If you want to collab on the stuff, I’m down.



              I had done drums for The Light previously, and currently touching up the tempo map. I also have a rough tempo map of The Water ready (just needs a bit of finalizing). If you want to collab on the stuff, I’m down.

              Yeah, I’d like that. All I actually had done on both of those songs were the expert drum parts, so I’m not losing a whole lot on them. Anything in particular you’d have me do on them?


                Yeah, I’d like that. All I actually had done on both of those songs were the expert drum parts, so I’m not losing a whole lot on them. Anything in particular you’d have me do on them?


                Sent you a PM.


                I’ve got Drums and Bass/Pro Bass done on Luminol. What have you got so far?


                Strapping Young Lad? Devin Townsend? Between The Buried and Me? and GREAT choices hell yeah!


                  I’ve got Drums and Bass/Pro Bass done on Luminol. What have you got so far?

                  Almost nothing, actually. That was one of the ones that’s in the super early stages. Speaking of which, I should probably add in what I still need to do on all of these.


                  In any case, since you’ve actually done some of it already, I could work on anything else you want me to do on it, chart-wise. That is, if you’re up for it.


                  Almost nothing, actually. That was one of the ones that’s in the super early stages. Speaking of which, I should probably add in what I still need to do on all of these.


                  In any case, since you’ve actually done some of it already, I could work on anything else you want me to do on it, chart-wise. That is, if you’re up for it.

                  Pro Keys would probably take me a long time, as I don’t yet have the skills to author by ear. If you’re willing to do that, that would be great. No need to hurry, however. I’m finishing up a few shorter songs first.

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