Stage Kit pros and cons (should I buy)


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  • #392921

    Hi guys,


    I am thinking of buying a stage kit, I am having to import it from America and due to the additional cost I want to make sure I am not running in to any additional problems.


    Currently I am using this and it really adds to the immersion when at parties.


    Would you recommend I just stay with this? One problem i have with this is when we have a party the volume of the music, the singer, the drums makes the sound sensitive lights basically turn it in to a strobe.


    A couple questions/concerns that I hope you can answer:

    This is hard to explain but does the stage kit light effects come from the signal from the game track being played and not from the actual sound being generated from my speakers? If this is the case I presume the above issue will be avoided?


    Will I run in to problems using RB3 or more to the point using customs?


    As I still have quite a few usbs ports being used as I have quite a few wired instruments, will the stage kit work from a usb extender I am currently using?


    I regularly play with guitar, bass, drums and singer, with this set up will I have to use all instrument mode for the stage kit to work?


    If yes to above, does all instrument mode only have to used when all 4 players are logged in?


    Is the stage kit worth it?


    I may have more questions, but I would really appreciate your thoughts especially if you have a stage kit.




    I’ll do my best to answer these to the best of my knowledge (from someone who still has a Stage Kit —- possibly for sale if anyone is interested w/ them not supporting it for RB4)




    This is hard to explain but does the stage kit light effects come from the signal from the game track being played and not from the actual sound being generated from my speakers? If this is the case I presume the above issue will be avoided?    It is from coding within the songs that makes the lights and strobe do their thing….so that would be avoided


    Will I run in to problems using RB3 or more to the point using customs?

    RB3 has some stage kit ready songs within its database as well as some DLC….but unless some of the guys here went really high level, no customs


    As I still have quite a few usbs ports being used as I have quite a few wired instruments, will the stage kit work from a usb extender I am currently using?

    I would recommend a powered usb hub bc then you can plug that into the XBox and your instruments into it…much like this one here at Best Buy:


    I regularly play with guitar, bass, drums and singer, with this set up will I have to use all instrument mode for the stage kit to work?

    The stage kit uses the singers controller for its module, so instead of a controller, you would use that for their navigation and connection (tedious I know)


    If yes to above, does all instrument mode only have to used when all 4 players are logged in?

    Disregard this as long as keys aren’t involved.


    Is the stage kit worth it?

    Yes its completely worth it  BUT….I would recommend some low level fog juice though and at your own risk, but powering off your smoke detectors (if have any) because they will go off….and if you have windows, I would either open them or only use the machine for a few tracks and then flip the fog switch off for a few after (fog and lights on separate switches)….and something to remember, if you use it in a basement, it will get really murky and I would absolutely not recommend around anyone who has sinus or asthma issues.




    Hope all this helped answer your questions….lmk if you have any more.


      RB3 will power the stage kit with customs just the same as with DLC and RB3 on disc tracks. Nothing past RB3 has stage kit cues on the song files, it’s just derived from the VENUE track.


      Sent from my Galaxy Note 4 using Tapatalk Pro.


      RB3 will power the stage kit with customs just the same as with DLC and RB3 on disc tracks. Nothing past RB3 has stage kit cues on the song files, it’s just derived from the VENUE track.


      Sent from my Galaxy Note 4 using Tapatalk Pro.

      I see so basically, yes it will work with customs as long as the author bothered to do venue animations? say if an author never did venues, would the custom still work but just as standard lights?


        Again, it’s driven by the VENUE track. Magma autogenerates the VENUE track, or the author can make it manually. An autogenerated venue still does camera and light changes, but not nearly as in sync with the music or as nice as a manually created venue. Either way, you should have lights with your music in all but the shittiest of customs that just have a black venue because the author doesn’t know what he’s doing. So virtually every song you’ll play will have some lighting to it. Might or might not be as good as using a DJ system that goes based on the music.


        Again, it’s driven by the VENUE track. Magma autogenerates the VENUE track, or the author can make it manually. An autogenerated venue still does camera and light changes, but not nearly as in sync with the music or as nice as a manually created venue. Either way, you should have lights with your music in all but the shittiest of customs that just have a black venue because the author doesn’t know what he’s doing. So virtually every song you’ll play will have some lighting to it. Might or might not be as good as using a DJ system that goes based on the music.

        Great cheers Nemo, thanks for clearing that one up


        EDIT: Just bought one quite pricey but I hope it works well with our parties, even though RB3 is dead and long reign RB4, it’s going to quite a bit of time before RB4 replaces RB3 for my parties.


          Stage kit (in general) is pretty awesome, particularly if you have parties.  I was lucky to get mine pretty late in the game (before RB3 came out), but still had to pay full price for it.  I know there were people who got them very, very cheaply (like $20 or less) just a few months before that.


            EDIT: Just bought one quite pricey but I hope it works well with our parties, even though RB3 is dead and long reign RB4, it’s going to quite a bit of time before RB4 replaces RB3 for my parties.


            I hope customs and excise don’t get their pound of flesh off you!


              I know there were people who got them very, very cheaply (like $20 or less) just a few months before that.


              I bought a few at $15 new in box from Gamestop.


              I hope customs and excise don’t get their pound of flesh off you!

              £14 extra for import charges…


              Doing a bit of research now, looks like its recommend to have fast dissipating liquid if in small rooms looking at this


              I will also need to US to UK power adapter for the fog machine, still looking forward to this.


                I always just cut the original fog juice with distilled water and it was a good solution.


                So still waiting, fingers crossed it will arrive this weekend. From research looks like I need a power converter or just an adapter for the smoke machine / strobe as its powered by the mains…


                  You may also need a PS2 cable to go from the light to the smoke machine. Mine did not include one and I had to order it separately.


                    I’ve owned the Stage Kit for years, but have never actually fired up the fogger.  Just the light show by itself is pretty awesome.

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