Splitting long harmony notes between phrases

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  • #389384

    Working on a song that has a drawn out “ah” harmony while the lead vocal is doing other things. The harmony is a long note that covers multiple sections of the lead that would be considered phrases. I’ve noticed that on

    , the long note has been split between two phrases.


    How do I set up the phrases/notes so that this occurs without errors? Just have the note go on as normal and have the end of the first and beginning of the second phrase touching each other, or is there a different way to do this?


      Only way to do it, as far as I’m aware, without getting the “note outside phrase marker” error is to have the phrase markers start and end immediately with each other. the way I do that usually is i just draw it long enough to cover the long note, then position the cursor where I want the split, click on the phrase marker note (important) and press “s” on your keyboard. bam. split, and you don’t have to worry that you’re overlapping or not close enough. Make sure you click on the phrase marker before splitting or you’ll split all the notes that fall under the cursor.

        How do I set up the phrases/notes so that this occurs without errors? Just have the note go on as normal and have the end of the first and beginning of the second phrase touching each other, or is there a different way to do this?

        You have to split the note at the phrase marker. In the second phrase, add a hidden lyric like “dummy$”, so it doesn’t appear.


        One thing to be careful of: if an overdrive phrase is followed by another phrase with zero gap, the second phrase will appear gold too. If you don’t have a good choice about using a different phrase for overdrive, you can just force a 1/64 gap and get on with your life. There will be a tiny gap in the tube that would otherwise been solid, but sometimes that’s a good tradeoff.

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