Songs don’t show up in-game [RB3]

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    So I’m fairly new to this customs scene, however I did do it a lot in the past in the Magma v2 days. I’m new to all this new software that has come out recently, and have been doing a lot of research. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to find an issue to the problem I am having.


    I used to have old RBA files from back in the day, and I converted them to con files using the Con Converter tool that comes with C3 CON Tools. I add them to my USB using the provided tool, unfortunately they do not show up in game. Is there a specific reason for this? I tried downloading a song from the database here, and it works without issue. Maybe the song is too old to be converted and played? Maybe something else needs to happen? Maybe the DTA data is wrong?


    If anyone could provide any help that would be great! If the .dta info is needed, let me know and I’ll paste it ASAP.


      If you can PM me a RBA file or two I can see if I can get them to work. I have had some success converting old files.

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