SongData Base doesn’t load

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  • #390035

    Recently I’ve been trying to load the Song Data Base and it won’t load for me, I have great internet connection but still nothing.


    Can you describe what happens? Which browser and operating system are you using?


      Do you have Javascript enabled? I should really make a super basic version of the DB that doesn’t require JS, since there are some legitimate privacy/etc. reasons to turn it off.


      Im using google chrome and java is enabled

      and when i click song database the selection screen doesnt load


        You’re going to have to be more proactive on your end. It works on Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer on my end. It is definitely something wrong on your end. Which you can imagine will be very difficult for anyone except yourself to diagnose.


        I suppose it use to load before and its just a white page when it loads

          I suppose it use to load before and its just a white page when it loads


          Bad cached copy of the page? Some sort of config change? Bug introduced by an upgrade/downgrade? Add-on conflict?


          Lots of things that could cause pages to just opt not to load. Do you have another browser you can test on or another PC on the same network?


            Looks like the song database is down, isn’t it?


            When I try to download a song there are lots of funny messages saying:


            Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Unknown MySQL server host ‘’ (11004) in D:Hosting3043678htmlflacsinf.php on line 2


            and so on…


            Is there an issue?


              Works fine on this end.


              Just as a general idea, understand that the code that went into making that database flows through pksage’s veins. If something is slightly wrong with the database, he’ll definitely feel a pang in his heart and he’ll fix it immediately.


              So test, test, test on your end. It’s usually a problem on the user’s end. And so far, it’s been every time.


                Hi TrojanNemo,


                thanks for your quick reply.

                I use another PC today and it seems to work fine.

                So I will test it this evening at my local computer as well.


                  If that error message crops up again, it’s a hosting issue and not a code issue, so we can’t do anything about it.


                    I can confirm the problem is gone now. So it seems there was a temporary issue about that.

                    Nevertheless, thanks for your help! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

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