Song Audio is outputting through the left speaker in game

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      I’m a bit puzzled why this song I authored just sounds wrong in game. When I listen to the song audio in Reaper it sounds stereo to me and fine but after compiling with Magma it sounds like most of the audio is only coming out of the left speaker. I authored guitar, drums, and bass. I used 44khz stereo track for my drum kit, 44khz mono track for my guitar and bass, and then the consolidated .wav of my MP3 for the backing track. I tried both 16 bit and 24 bit and it does the same thing. I’m pretty sure that none of the tracks are going into the red in Reaper. Any advice?


        Did you try using all stereo tracks?


          No I didnt but will try.


          UPDATE: That fixed it! This leads me to another question. Whats the point of ever using the mono.wav files? Wouldnt it be ideal to just keep using stereo audio files for all the tracks?


            If your source stems actually ARE mono, then keeping them that way ensures the highest accuracy to the original mix. Also I’m pretty sure it makes the files a lot smaller.


              I see. So if the original mix is stereo then just use all stereo files for the tracks unless you want to reduce the file size of the package. The mono .wav files were causing a problem this time around putting them into the guitar and bass slots.


                Guitar, bass, and vocals generally do not need to be in stereo. The entire song will become stereo as these tracks are panned; guitar slightly to the left and bass slightly to the right. Vocals are always centered. Drums should be panned as you would hear them. ie. right-handed drummer would have lower toms coming more out of the right, and snare more to the left. Kick in the center and the overhead in the center.

                If you listen to original Beatles recordings you will notice back then they used to pan instruments all the way to the left and right. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                If Orange Harrison was here I imagine he would have much more technical and precise input.

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