Some customs converted to PS3 have issues

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  • #395739

    I have an issue where some of the songs I try to convert using C3 Con Tools end up not being playable on my PS3. The songs will either freeze when previewing, freeze at the beginning of the song, or freeze in the middle of the song. I tested these songs on Visualizer and the whole track plays fine (along with not seeing any errors). I have tried to change encryption types when converting but it has not helped. Most of the songs I have converted from Xbox 360 con files to PS3 have not been an issue except for these few. May you please help me resolve this issue?


    The songs I have issues with:

    Maroon 5 – She Will Be Loved

    Christina Aguilera – Genie In A Bottle

    Fort Minor – Remember The Name

    Gotye – Somebody That I Used to Know




    Seems like an audio issue.


    I think they are very old releases and most likely were compiled using an old version of Magma C3. I don’t think there is anything you can do besides trying to swap (or fix if they aren’T encrypted) audio.


    You can try to ask the author to re-compile the song using the updated Magma C3.


    I have an issue where some of the songs I try to convert using C3 Con Tools end up not being playable on my PS3. The songs will either freeze when previewing, freeze at the beginning of the song, or freeze in the middle of the song. I tested these songs on Visualizer and the whole track plays fine (along with not seeing any errors). I have tried to change encryption types when converting but it has not helped. Most of the songs I have converted from Xbox 360 con files to PS3 have not been an issue except for these few. May you please help me resolve this issue?


    The songs I have issues with:

    Maroon 5 – She Will Be Loved

    Christina Aguilera – Genie In A Bottle

    Fort Minor – Remember The Name

    Gotye – Somebody That I Used to Know






    Same here, did you find a solution?


    There’s really no other solution than trying to repack the custom if all else fails (i.e. different encryption types)


      Did this happen with the “official” PS3 versions that can be found in the old database? Assuming those are still online of course.


      I can’t recall which but some of the PS3 versions didn’t worked on my end, I ended up converting from CON and it worked. Really not sure what happened there.

      If that happens again I’ll take note of the songs.


        I can’t recall which but some of the PS3 versions didn’t worked on my end, I ended up converting from CON and it worked. Really not sure what happened there.

        If that happens again I’ll take note of the songs.

        Did you get “Genie in a Bottle” to work on PS3?


        Sorry I never downloaded that song.


        505 by Arctic Monkeys does not work either


        Does anyone have a solution? At least for the song Psycho – Puddle of Mudd. I have the problem of the song not finishing, I can play it whole, but in the end…

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