I was wondering how you chart the bass parts? Pumpkins songs are notorious for having hard to decipher bass parts. Do you look up tabs/performances to get a general idea or do you have a really good ear for the bass lines? Thanks.
It’s two different things:
1) EQ – I equalize the audio to favor the bass frequencies to make the bass part louder.
2) Pitch – I shift the bass EQ audio up two octaves so that the bass melody can be easily heard among the muffled tones.
I always use these two things together. If they’re not enough, then yeah I might look online for tabs or cover videos. I mainly use live performances for drums/vocal lines.
Siamese Dream to be completed soonish.
I just love that avatar.
Siamese Dream to be completed soonish.
I just love that avatar.
lol thx. there’s the full pic ^ ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />
lol thx. there’s the full pic ^
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />
Siamese Dream to be completed soonish.
Yeah if that lazy jerk ever finishes Silverfuck.
Yeah if that lazy jerk ever finishes Silverfuck.
Hey it’s a long song.
You’re not going to find a song like this on In Utero.
Helluva keys part.
And for checking out my thead…
Join me this Friday as I upload the remaining two tracks from Siamese Dream: Soma and Silverfuck! Which are you most excited for?
Get a taste ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />
Omggg! i read helluva keyboard part and knew right away I was interested lol
So grabbing that!
Ps. Can’t wait for Friday ! ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />
Both. Thank you.
Here are the two remaining tracks! I spent a lot of time on the venues for these. The fact that it took me this long to do either track is criminal. Now with the album finished, I encourage you to take an hour to play through it in whole. ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />
Soma’s got everything. Starts out slow with drum brushes and clean guitar. Even has piano from R.E.M.’s Mike Mills. It explodes about halfway through into Billy Corgan’s best guitar solo ever.
Bansheeflyer helped out on this one, he did guitar/bass/vocals. I did drums/venue/chart changes and reductions.This one has my most intricately made venue yet. So much so in fact that I made a video showcasing it plus Guitar/Drums.
Silverfuck was a lot of fun to chart and it even more so to play. Thanks for letting me help out on this one!
Congrats on completing Siamese Dream. A staple album of the 90’s and was the album that introduced me to the band.
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