Sideshow’s Customs (7/14/18) Ozzy Osbourne “Shot in the Dark”!

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  • #448045

    Sweet, thanks! Shout out especially for the multitracks, full band and all difficulties!


    This is really awesome, guys. You have no idea. Or maybe you do.


    One question: Is this the same chart as the count of tuscany that was released a few months ago?


      amazing release guys, keep up the good job :excited:

        This is really awesome, guys. You have no idea. Or maybe you do.


        One question: Is this the same chart as the count of tuscany that was released a few months ago?


        This is the same chart that was posted with the last DT pack.

          This release boggles the mind, guys. I am truly emotional, and I’m not understating it, at how far we have come since the days of single instrument charts that sometimes wouldn’t even work, and it’s all because of the passion the community has put in this world. You rock guys, you must be really proud of yourselves and you deserve all the credit you can get. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


          This means alot coming from you. When I first started getting into customs back in April of 2013 when the official releases stopped I found your thread at 360iso and couldnt believe all of the awesome Rush, GNR, Beach Boys, etc. you had posted and instantly became my favorite author. I can’t believe how far I have come along and its all because of you and the many C3 authors great tools and support. :excited:

          Divine Smooof

            Super hype for these DT customs <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


            I watched your preview video and noticed large sections of Nightmare to Remember weren’t charted on keys :/

            Divine Smooof

              I also forgot to mention this at release, but The Count of Tuscany has missing guitar audio during at least one of the guitar solos (Unless it’s been fixed recently). There’s also some keys missing during and before the ambient guitar solo.

                E3 is upon us nerds! We got a new Rock Band game coming out soon. Don’t throw away your RB3 disc just yet. I gots a new Dream Theater album to bestow upon the customs community featuring multitrack audio! This marks 3 albums by Dream Theater now available as customs in multitrack form. So get your plastic instruments out, put some wear and tear on them, and head bang to some killer prog metal tunes. “A Rite of Passage” features harmonies and pro keys while the others are not fully fulls just yet. I’ll be uploading on my youtube channel a song from the album each day minus “The Count of Tuscany” because its already on there. This is currently the last Dream Theater album that featured original drummer Mike Portnoy and also contains the last suite of the “12 Step Suite” called “The Shattered Fortress”.


                Puppetz (G)/Tadracing99(D)/Meander (B/K/V)/Sideshow (OD/DF/Compile)/Beard216 (CAT Reductions)


       … mareTRv11x

       … mareTRv12x

                Video Preview:



                The unknown author(G/B/D/K/V)/Meander (HOPO changes on Guitar)/Sideshow (OD/DF/2X Bass Pedal Version/Compile)


       … assagev11x

       … assagev12x


                Meander (G/D/B/K/V)/Sideshow (OD/DF/Compile)/Beard216 (CAT Reductions)


       … q/Witherv1


                Meander (G/D/B/K/V)/Sideshow (OD/DF/Compile)/Beard216 (CAT Reductions)


       … ttFortv11x

       … ttFortv12x


                Meander (G/D/B/K/V)/Sideshow (OD/DF/Compile)/Beard216 (CAT Reductions)


       … fTimesv11x

       … fTimesv12x


                Meander (G/D/B/K/V)/Sideshow (OD/DF/Compile)/Beard216 (CAT Reductions)


       … uscanyv11x

       … uscanyv12x



                I shall return……………


                that so “the best of times” is chart by meander? ._.

                the chart it’s mine ._.

                published February 23th ._. !!!!

                this 90% it’s mine

                  that so “the best of times” is chart by meander? ._.

                  the chart it’s mine ._.

                  published February 23th ._. !!!!

                  this 90% it’s mine


                  I thought I had forgotten something in regards to crediting it. However, I did make some adjustments to it. Mostly with the first solo. I guess it can receive a dual credit.


                    Any chance of getting reductions on the Led Zeppelin tracks? Pretty please with sugar on top?

                      Super hype for these DT customs <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


                      I watched your preview video and noticed large sections of Nightmare to Remember weren’t charted on keys :/


                      These were the charts that were given to me. I noticed this as well but the keys in those missing sections is very sparse.


                      Sideshow Thanks so much for the DT album.

                      I cant wait to play on the drums……


                      Thanks again Great work as always.

                      You Rock Dude :excited:

                      Divine Smooof

                        It’s kinda silly that A Nightmare to Remember has 4 minutes of uncharted keys (especially since it’s multi-tracked). But eh, what can you do? Can’t wait to see what Dream Theater songs you guys have in store next.

                          It’s kinda silly that A Nightmare to Remember has 4 minutes of uncharted keys (especially since it’s multi-tracked). But eh, what can you do? Can’t wait to see what Dream Theater songs you guys have in store next.


                          Hopefully the rest of “Train of Thought” will come down the pipeline eventually. “In the Name of God” would be a killer track from that album.

                            that so “the best of times” is chart by meander? ._.

                            the chart it’s mine ._.

                            published February 23th ._. !!!!

                            this 90% it’s mine


                            I thought I had forgotten something in regards to crediting it. However, I did make some adjustments to it. Mostly with the first solo. I guess it can receive a dual credit.


                            Still you have to give me credit, I insist I am novice at this and I can hardly do :/

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