Sideshow’s Customs (7/14/18) Ozzy Osbourne “Shot in the Dark”!

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  • #416906

      I just uploaded a V2 to “Holiday Road”. Fixes include:


      1. All instruments are now lined up with the grid properly.

      2. There was a missing snare in all the snare rolls before so I added those missing snares. The only one snare missing is the very first roll because Magma is giving me errors that notes are starting before 2.5.

      3. Moved Harm 3 up higher than Harm 2 because before I had Harm 3 positioned way to low.


        Today I have some songs from two 80’s icons of which are both still active till this day. Mario and Robocop!

        Con: … hop_rb3con

        Video Preview: …


        Con: … aza_rb3con

        Preview Video: …


          Visualizer – Song Title – Split.


          You’re welcome <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


            Done and Done. Thanks <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


              If you don’t mind me asking, what’s going on with your album art? I opened the CON, you’re on the latest Magma using the 512×512 album art setting. In Visualizer it looks poor, so the source image you put in Magma must have been lowered in quality somehow, for some reason?

              I looked for that album cover and only found ONE image on Google, and look at how it looks when I do it:



              So, what are you doing? Based on what I’m seeing on this thread, all your album art is really low quality for no reason :confused:


              Here’s the album art above if you want to use it:



                I have no idea why the image quality is being lowered. I think the jpeg I got was 490X368 pixels. I do have the advanced setting for album art dimensions set to the default 512X512. I’ll have to look into it. I’m usually on top of having the newest C3 Magma and Con Tools.


                UPDATE: I think I know whats up. When I right click and save the image on my computer its saving a lower res image. I need to first click into the image then right click to save to get the higher resolution. Thanks for noticing that. Nothing wrong with Magma or C3 Con tools. I updated Rock Shop and Delphino Plaza Cons to have the higher quality album art.


                Yet Another UPDATE: I have been very busy lately with work and I might even be starting a second job next week. Customs are going to slow down for me. I have two songs that I’m working on right now that should suprise some people. They are from a genre I have not done yet. Hopefully I can have them finished by next weekend.


                    I noticed you have a lot of words that aren’t split up. Not sure if that’s a personal choice or what, since you had splits prevalent too. This site does most of the work for you, long as you have the complete lyrics. It can really save time.


                      Okay, so problems with “Ninja Rap”.

                      • When did “ninja” become a one syllable word?
                      • I’m assuming you did copy-paste work with the drums, but the incorrect kick placement makes me assume it’s a very reckless job.
                      • I’m not hearing the key notes as chords. And none of should be sustained. They sound like samples from a brass section, and sustaining them would suggest that the trumpeter is blowing into the horn for that long, which ain’t the case here. And that “climb” at 2:36 looks like you’re trying to add variety to a song where none is needed.
                      • I got my problems with the scratch on guitar, but I have the biggest problem with those pseudo-slides that occasionally come in. There’s a time and a place for pseudo-slides, and this is not one of them. It just makes it look like you wanted to make the song harder for the purpose of making it harder. A single sustained orange note will suffice. It’s sorta like how a slide only takes one finger on a real guitar.
                        Okay, so problems with “Ninja Rap”.

                        • When did “ninja” become a one syllable word?
                        • I’m assuming you did copy-paste work with the drums, but the incorrect kick placement makes me assume it’s a very reckless job.
                        • I’m not hearing the key notes as chords. And none of should be sustained. They sound like samples from a brass section, and sustaining them would suggest that the trumpeter is blowing into the horn for that long, which ain’t the case here. And that “climb” at 2:36 looks like you’re trying to add variety to a song where none is needed.
                        • I got my problems with the scratch on guitar, but I have the biggest problem with those pseudo-slides that occasionally come in. There’s a time and a place for pseudo-slides, and this is not one of them. It just makes it look like you wanted to make the song harder for the purpose of making it harder. A single sustained orange note will suffice. It’s sorta like how a slide only takes one finger on a real guitar.


                        1. I used that lyric hyphenator site and what you see is how that site broke all the syllables down.

                        2. The hi hat portion of the song is over charted and yes there probably is extra double kicks in there but I like a challenge.

                        3. I thought it would be a more enjoyable experience to have chords on the keys section because the bass section has single notes charted. I may go to town with sustains but I’m just trying to fill in dead playing space.

                        4. Yes, I did what I did to make it more challenging. No custom is ever final. I or anybody else can make whatever changes they feel suits them. I have no problems sharing the RPP if asked.


                        1. I used that lyric hyphenator site and what you see is how that site broke all the syllables down.


                        That site is useful, but it can do a pretty janked job on hyphenating some words. I suggest giving the track another good listen with the notepad file open, to clean up what it missed.


                        (But I can totally relate if you just wanted to rush them out so people can start enjoying them as WIP. I’m pretty guilty of that.)


                          1. I used that lyric hyphenator site and what you see is how that site broke all the syllables down.


                          That site is useful, but it can do a pretty janked job on hyphenating some words. I suggest giving the track another good listen with the notepad file open, to clean up what it missed.


                          (But I can totally relate if you just wanted to rush them out so people can start enjoying them as WIP. I’m pretty guilty of that.)


                          I have no problem fixing them in the future. I just have so many songs in mind I want to do. I noticed on your todo list you had Die Antwoord “Fatty Boom Boom”. That would round out a nice 3 pack for Die Antwoord if you still were going to do it. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


                            I’m sorry man, but charting things that aren’t there, to fill dead space, or because you want an extra challenge is…not good. It’s always a shame to see this kind of charting mentality over the desire for an accurate chart.

                              I’m sorry man, but charting things that aren’t there, to fill dead space, or because you want an extra challenge is…not good. It’s always a shame to see this kind of charting mentality over the desire for an accurate chart.


                              I’m not forcing anybody to download anything here. Nor am I charging a cent. “Ninja Rap” is meant for say DJ Hero with it not having traditional guitar. I’ve laid the basic groundwork for it and it was all for fun. To be on the technical side, I should of just not charted anything for the guitar part but I thought what the hell. This is a song that you will probably never see Harmonix release for a Rock Band game if they ever decide to revisit this franchise.


                              The guitar scratches on guitar are pretty cool IMO, though the overcharted Keys and Drums is a bit of a issue I would say. Consider making Keys into 2-note chords (and unsustained as mentioned) and just go and make sure Drums are 100% correct.

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