Sideshow’s Customs (7/14/18) Ozzy Osbourne “Shot in the Dark”!

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      Aw yiss, so much Porcupine Tree to play.


      Also, if people want to play “In Absentia” with lower difficulties, TheOreo made some EMH CAT reductions which I will provide on the original post for the album.


      Happy to CAT EMH this album too if there’s any interest!


        Amazing stuff man!

          Aw yiss, so much Porcupine Tree to play.


          Also, if people want to play “In Absentia” with lower difficulties, TheOreo made some EMH CAT reductions which I will provide on the original post for the album.


          Happy to CAT EMH this album too if there’s any interest!


          There is always an interest…..not everyone is a guitar/drum beast on this game. :c00l:


            thanks to all the guys who worked on this, keep up the great work <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


              So looking forward to playing/failing these. Seems I have been doing more charting than drumming lately. Awesome work you guys.


                I’m thankful that my contributions as a charter are FINALLY getting some recognition. It kind of feels good. As if the charting process (for me) is a bunch of blood, sweat, and tears that ends up paying off in the end.


                Anyways, looking at the videos, I noticed I missed some vocal phrases. Notably at 6:28 in the second “Anesthetize” video and a couple in “Way Out Of Here.”


                As for Sentimental’s tempo issues, that song was probably the biggest bear to deal with time signature-wise. Because up until the first chorus, the song switches between time signatures of 9/8 and 15/16. I used 3/4 the entire time and placed groupings of 3 notes per beat in the 9/8 measures and groupings of 5 notes per beat in the 15/16 measures. Once the 1st chorus of that song hits, it’s 4/4 from there on out. But that was the song across all three albums that I had the most trouble synching.


                As for me not charting EMH on my own, I figure that with CAT, the community would get to it (like Harmonies and Pro Keys). And like Harmonies and Pro Keys, I would do those if EOF had such a feature. However, it doesn’t, so I make do with what I can chart.


                My last day of Spring Break is today, so I will not be at such a relentless pace for charting as I’ve been over break. Since I have schoolwork and a social life to focus on. I’m also a creative writing major at my college (I’m a freshman) that is working on honing his craft. I don’t know how much longer I’ll continue to chart customs, but I know my true passion (writing) will eventually take over and that I’ll someday either stop charting customs or they’ll come at a reduced rate. Truth be told, I thought that the Porcupine Tree customs were going to be the last customs that I do. I then told myself that the customs I’ve announced are going to be the last. Now, I’m telling myself I need to go out with a BIG bang and contribute a pack of 4-5 epics that are at least 20 minutes long each.


                Long story short, I am not sure how many more customs I have left in me. But until my customs well runs dry, I’ll be charting. And although I use tools that are for FoF/Phase Shift, I have a sense of quality control that is more befitting of RB customs. For that reason, ANY custom I make (starting with the Porcupine Tree customs) will be released on here before I put it on the FoF forums. Now hopefully, someone gives these the bells and whistles and releases it as a week of C3 DLC. If that happened, I’d feel satisfied that I’d contribute a significant role in this charting community.


                But for now, the next stuff on my plate is The Protomen, Dream Theater, the “Epics Pack,” and Steven Wilson.


                  Take a long well deserved break. With the rest of Porcupine Tree that still needs to be done and those other secret songs you gave me not announced I should be busy for the next few months. Its been awesome working with you and I’ll be happy to convert future content from you time permitting.


                  Yeah man, these are pretty awesome. I’m having a lot of fun with the Porcupine Tree songs.


                  I was just wondering if anybody else is having an issue I”m having… on pro guitar on expert Anethetize, around the middle, there are a whole bunch of muted chords (I think that’s what the ones with no numbers are called) but they don’t work. I strum but they don’t activate.



                  It’s around this time on the pro guitar chart. Also, in the “only MTV” chorus


                  The rest of it is great, though.

                    Yeah man, these are pretty awesome. I’m having a lot of fun with the Porcupine Tree songs.


                    I was just wondering if anybody else is having an issue I”m having… on pro guitar on expert Anethetize, around the middle, there are a whole bunch of muted chords (I think that’s what the ones with no numbers are called) but they don’t work. I strum but they don’t activate.



                    It’s around this time on the pro guitar chart. Also, in the “only MTV” chorus


                    The rest of it is great, though.


                    It took me several hours to fight Magma to compile that Pro Guitar chart. In addition to changing all the notes down an octave on that solo there was several left hand positions that I had to change. The muted chords you speak of could be something I tampered with but my lack of knowledge with Pro Guitar leaves me stumped. I’ll be happy to fix it when I know what to do.


                    That’s fine. I just wanted to know if it was just me having a problem.


                    In case it matters, I played the other PT songs on pro guitar and bass, and they all seemed glitch free and lots of fun


                      I don’t know which album by Porcupine Tree had “Four Chords that Made a Million” but if that song was done, that would be awesome.

                        I don’t know which album by Porcupine Tree had “Four Chords that Made a Million” but if that song was done, that would be awesome.


                        Its going to be released next month as a single. I’m just taking a small break from Porcupine Tree right now to do other projects.

                          I don’t know which album by Porcupine Tree had “Four Chords that Made a Million” but if that song was done, that would be awesome.


                          The album it was on was “Lightbulb Sun.” And that won’t be the only song from that album on it.


                            I haven’t played any of the songs yet, but do the songs have vocal animations or are the videos early versions of the songs?

                              I haven’t played any of the songs yet, but do the songs have vocal animations or are the videos early versions of the songs?


                              What you see in the videos is what you get. No dryvox for lipsync.

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