Sideshow’s Customs (7/14/18) Ozzy Osbourne “Shot in the Dark”!

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    One more time, Merci, merci, merci Mister Sideshow

      * To start off I can’t thank Meander enough for getting this project rolling and doing most of the charting for the songs.


      * “In Absentia” is considered the band’s crowning achievement and marks the first album featuring Gavin Harrison who is a phenomenal drummer.

      * Them double bass accents!

      * If your a fan of “Tool” or “Radiohead” you may like this band.

      * There are no Pro Keys are Harmonies charted at the moment but that can always change in the future.

      * Podruvan did all frets on “The Sound of Muzak.”


      *To address all of these, first, I appreciate the massive thanks Sideshow, this project would not have been possible without you. If it weren’t for you, I’d be toiling in custom obscurity.

      * Second, yes, Gavin Harrison is a monster behind the kit. I haven’t been this obsessed with a drummer’s technique since I first stumbled upon Mike Portnoy. Sure, a lot of drummers have technical skills, but few can put that skill into creative patterns that are both musical and a joy to listen to like Portnoy and Harrison.

      * Third, I haven’t listened to enough Radiohead (I only know “Creep” and “Paranoid Android.” I’m going to get burned for that), but I have heard “In Absentia” get compared to “OK Computer” a lot. As for the Tool comparison, I can get that from the heavier stuff (particularly that from Fear of A Blank Planet).

      * Fourth, to reiterate, if I were able to find a way to chart harmonies and/or Pro Keys in EOF, they would be in this release, but as far as I’m concerned, I’ve done all that I can do with these charts in EOF.

      * Lastly, Podrovan only contributed Guitar/Drums for “The Sound Of Muzak.” Even then, I added in the ghost snares to the chart, fixed up the synching, added forced strums/forced HO/PO’s to the Guitar chart, and added OD/Guitar Solo sections. I did the Bass, Keys, and Vocals for that track all on my own. That is a crediting screwup that I didn’t notice until after I sent the chart to you, Sideshow. My apologies.


      Oh wow, this is unreal work. Love In Absentia a whole bunch, thank you so so much for this! Also I wholeheartedly vote for The Protomen as the next release Meander, I was always bummed we never got them through RBN.


      EDIT: Quick question, I opened up Trains in Reaper to fix the broken measure as best I could, and it appears that there are other difficulties charted, is Visualiser wrong for these tracks? Edit 2: Oh I see that it’s just expert copied into the other difficulties, butts.


      I was just about to answer about the other difficulties charted by saying “Well, I only charted Expert and I use EOF, not REAPER.” I would chart the EMH charts if EOF had an equivalent to CAT, though. Alas, it doesn’t (to my knowledge).


      And I’m not a huge fan of The Protomen. At least I wasn’t at first. My younger brother got me hooked onto them awhile ago. All I can say is that I’m dreading charting “The Fall” on Keys, so I may just get that little bugger out of the way first. I already got one monster dealt with (“The State Vs Thomas Light/Give Us The Rope” on Vocals), so I might as well get the problem charts finished first.


      I may send two versions of “The Good Doctor” to Sideshow. Both are identical except for the vocal tracks. Since that song is a duet, each version would have one of the two singing. Since I can’t chart harmonies on EOF, maybe Sideshow could put the other person as a harmony after I send it to him. Copy-paste works like a charm, I guess.


      Man I can’t wait to get home so I can download these


      Thanks! If you like this, take note that the “Fear of a Blank Planet” and “Deadwing” albums are in the pipeline. Along with 8 singles from throughout PT’s career. In total, I charted 35 songs (10 of them with Pro Guitar/Pro Bass upgrades) by Porcupine Tree on all applicable instruments. And “Wedding Nails” is the only instrumental of theirs that I charted.


      Thanks. If these get harmonies and all difficulties, I will download a few of them!

      Thanks. If these get harmonies and all difficulties, I will download a few of them!


      I always play customs with friends most weekends, so all difficulties is a must have, as not everybody is Expert gifted.

      Many thanks for the uploads though.


        Happy birthday ya young whippersnapper, have a great day my friend!!

          Sideshow is having a birthday today.

          Happy birthday ya young whippersnapper, have a great day my friend!!


          I appreciate it spin! @TheOreo, I know I can fix the beginning of trains its just I wanted to get this out for my birthday.

              Sideshow is having a birthday today.

              Happy birthday ya young whippersnapper, have a great day my friend!!


              I appreciate it spin! @TheOreo, I know I can fix the beginning of trains its just I wanted to get this out for my birthday.


              If you do, could you please run it through CAT reductions too? Ease my mind having it in my setlist in the unlikely case someone picks it during a RB party


              Sideshow ~ Thanks so much for this! Can’t get enough of Gavin. Much appreciated!

                Sideshow is having a birthday today.

                Happy birthday ya young whippersnapper, have a great day my friend!!


                I appreciate it spin! @TheOreo, I know I can fix the beginning of trains its just I wanted to get this out for my birthday.


                If you do, could you please run it through CAT reductions too? Ease my mind having it in my setlist in the unlikely case someone picks it during a RB party


                The reason why you never see CAT reductions in my songs is because I’m still using Reaper 3.78 which I don’t believe can run CAT. I will most likely update Trains since that beginning guitar is way off sync.


                  Welp, I started continuing work on The Protomen’s “Act II: The Father Of Death” full band. I’m already had every song synched. Now, I’m just getting the vocal and drum tracks taken care of. I just finished “Breaking Out” on vocals and with 712 notes, it has the most notes of any vocal chart I’ve done to date. And they are not all talkies.


                    A bit of an off-topic tangent here.


                    Just gave Steven Wilson’s new album “Hand. Cannot. Erase.” a listen last night. Wow! There are songs that I would like to chart sometime off of that. I may eventually do 2-3 from HCE and 2-3 from “The Raven Who Refused To Sing (And Other Stories” and call it a pack. But that is way off and I’m already swamped as is.


                    If I did the HCE songs, my picks would be “First Regret/Three Years Older,” “Home Invasion/Regret #9,” and “Happy Returns.” If I did a fourth, my pick would be “Ancestral.” I don’t think I’ll chart the entire album as there are some songs that wouldn’t work that well in RB (which is why I did Deadwing as an album instead of Lightbulb Sun). However, the entire album is actually pretty good and proves that Steven Wilson has got it even after Porcupine Tree is over for him. As much as I love PT, I wouldn’t mind if SW remained a solo artist as long as his work remains as high-quality as HCE.


                    Also, if you find guitar and keys to be too easy on the PT tracks, Steven has Guthrie Govan on lead guitar and Adam Holzman on Keys for his solo albums. Gavin is not on SW’s solo albums, but the percussionist that is (Marco Minneman) is a beast of a drummer in his own right. Needless to say, if I go ahead and do the Steven Wilson solo pack, there will be a lot more devil tiers than with the Porcupine Tree albums. Even if I do just 4-6 songs.


                    Back on topic, I’m going to be doing a drum chart for AJFOne’s Chicago project. That chart will be “Devil’s Sweet,” a fusion instrumental so wonky that he is having me tempo-map it and chart the drums. After listening to it, it may end up being one of the (if not THE) hardest drum charts I’ve made to date.


                    Your post makes me so happy. I would love anything off of HCE. Great album.


                    Also so happy that In Absentia is out.


                      Back on topic, I’m going to be doing a drum chart for AJFOne’s Chicago project. That chart will be “Devil’s Sweet,” a fusion instrumental so wonky that he is having me tempo-map it and chart the drums. After listening to it, it may end up being one of the (if not THE) hardest drum charts I’ve made to date.


                      I really do appreciate this. I realized quickly that this songs complexity was a little out of my league but I didn’t want to completely scrap it so I reached out and you came through. This will be the most epic song on drums for the entire project so I’m very happy that it will be included :excited:


                        Back on topic, I’m going to be doing a drum chart for AJFOne’s Chicago project. That chart will be “Devil’s Sweet,” a fusion instrumental so wonky that he is having me tempo-map it and chart the drums. After listening to it, it may end up being one of the (if not THE) hardest drum charts I’ve made to date.


                        I really do appreciate this. I realized quickly that this songs complexity was a little out of my league but I didn’t want to completely scrap it so I reached out and you came through. This will be the most epic song on drums for the entire project so I’m very happy that it will be included :excited:


                        Also, I just started synching that. The first 30 seconds of “Devil’s Sweet” are nuts, time-wise. I’m not sure if I’ll do more than just the drums on this one.

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